Chapter 11

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-The next morning-

"What the hell did I do?!" I yelled at Chase.

For the past half hour he has sat here in front of all of us not speaking at all. He's just sat here laughing. Literally laughing and smirking.

"Figure it out sweetheart." Again his words felt like poison. What the hell was he getting at?

"Well obviously none of us can figure it out so please. Enlighten us." Peter explained to Chase, the Joker.

First he smirked and just stared at us but then worked up the nerve to say something. Or say a lot.

"It's all because of you Violet. And partially Peter. Violet, you and I have always had that 'friends with benefits' thing going on. But you never even noticed that I was in love with you. Once you and Peter started dating I had to deal with you always coming to me and talking about you and Peter, when you two were fighting you came to me, you always had to tell me what you guys did. It was torture. To see my best friend with the girl I love." Chase finally explained. "You mad me fucking pissed off! After everytime you said something about you and Peter I would add a couple holes and dents to the walls. It came to the point where you always called at an exact time, I would already be in that room. Ready to hit something. You are what caused this."

"What the h-" He cut me off. Damn him.

"I'm not finished." He said. "You wanna know what was hilarious but torture at the same time? When you would put on whatever you were going to wear that night when you two would go back to his place. You would ask me if you looked okay."

"How the hell was I suppose to react to that?" He asked me. "And Peter! Always saying how hot Violet is. Blah blah blah. You both are fucking idiots who just need to get the hell back together to please the damn world. Because apparently I'm not mister right. For anyone. This whole damn situation is making my blood boil. I hate you Violet Knight. You were the worst thing that could have ever happened to me.   Relationship over. Friendship over. I am done with you."

"Alright well I'm going to get the hell out of this place. I don't like any of you." Makayla said.

"We don't care!" We all said simultaneously.

Makayla left and Scarlett went upstairs. Colton was over on the couch just in case 'Mr. Wacko' tried anything. Literally that's what he called him. Mr. Wacko.

"Chase, dude you could have told me. I wasn't going to hate you for liking or may I rephrase that. Loving her. You have a mind of your own. I can't stop you from that. I always thought that those holes and dents were because your family doesn't even speak to you. But turns out I was completely wrong."

Chase looked at Peter understanding where he was coming from. Ultimately he forgave Peter. Of course. Peter went upstairs to his room. Leaving all the drama to me and Chase. Yay me.

"So I always rubbed our relationship in your face?" I asked him.

"Yeah. You did." He informed me.

"Well I'm sorry. I never realized that I did that to you. And now I feel bad. But Chase, please don't hate me. I love you." I told Chase.

"No, no you don't. At least not in the way I want." Chase said while losing the gleam that was always in his eyes. "You only dated me to get back at Peter. And if that was the only way I could be with you then I took that offer."

"Well, yes. But Chase I do love you. As a friend." I said. It was hard to tell him but he had to know.

"I know. But you've caused me so much anger that I can't be around you anymore. All I want to do when I see you is either kiss you or punch you." Chase told me.

"So that's it? Weren't not friends anymore? I'll never see my best guy friend again?" I asked him with my face slowly getting sadder.

"At least for a little while. But after I have everything sorted out and all. I'll come back and find all of you. I'm going to go to Miami for a little while and sort everything out there." Chase told me, at this point Peter had Scarlett come back downstairs to cook food, and Peter was going to help.

Everyone heard what he just told me and they stood their with a blank expression.

"What? Your leaving?" Peter asked running down the last couple of steps.

"Okay, I understand." I whispered to Chase.

I then went over and sat in a chair diagonal from Colton. He was so engulfed in whatever he was watching he never even took a look at me.

"Yes, I'm leaving. For Miami. Just for a little while to sort some things out. But now I have to go, catching a flight in 2 hours." Chase explained to Peter and Scarlett.

"Oh, okay." Peter and Scarlett said at once.

"Well, bye everyone." Chase said giving us a slight smile.

We all gave him a slight smile back and waved goodbye. One less person in the house. Already feels empty.

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