Chapter 18

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God Peter is so damn annoying. Blah blah blah. Non-stop talking. I'm going to toss the lamp at him.

"Hey Vi- Scarlett do you mind showing me where the vending machine room is?" Chase asked, quickly 'correcting' himself.

"You don't need my help. There are signs." Scarlett said, looking up from her phone.

Chase rolled his eyes at her. He got up to leave and before he went out the door he glanced back at me.

"Alright people it is time to go get dinner. Scarlett, Colton lets go down to the cafeteria again." Peter announced.

"Okay." Scarlett said, getting up.

"Nah, I already have my food." Colton replied to Peter.

"Okay. We'll be back in a few Violet." Peter said.

I quickly noticed that it was just Colton and I. My mind flashed back to the note that was still hidden under my blanket since this morning.

"Yes I will." I said, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" Colton said with food in his mouth, but it was kinda adorable. The look on his face too.

"Go out with you. I will." I told him.

"You will?" He said, swallowing the Chinese food he was eating.

"Yeah." I said, moving over on the hospital bed so that there was room for him to sit down, I patted my hand next to me.

"Good." Colton said with a smile, sitting down next to me.

Colton turned to his side and kissed me very gently making sure to not hit any of my bruises. Neither of us noticed that Chase walked in until he coughed while walking in. Colton went back and sat down in the chair and continued eating his food.

Chases glanced at Colton and gave him a cold look.

"So are you two a thing now or just friends with benefits?" Chase began. "Colton don't go down the road I did. That friends with benefits bullshit than a half ass relationship. Plus she's no keeper. Just a slutty attention seeker bitch. She's everything in the book, whore, bitch, slut. Ya know what I mean."

It happened in a flash. Colton went across the room and had Chase in a head lock in seconds. He let him go but Chase turned and punched Colton in the ribs. Peter came walking in with his food but quickly dropped his food on the ground and got in the middle of the two. He didn't help much, Chase threw another punch at Colton. Scarlett walked in and got in front of Colton which made Colton stop. Peter had Chase behind him.

"I swear if he ever says something about Violet again him and me are going rounds." Colton said, pointing aggressively at Chase.

Chase held up his hands and then sat down. Colton walked over to me and kissed me once more.

Chase got up to punch Colton again and all I heard was shuffling. Colton turned around to face Chase.

"Sweet dreams." Colton said, knocking Chase out. "Ass."

Colton walked out and gave me a smile. Scarlett left after him, to help calm him down a little more. Peter stayed for awhile and talked. We mainly talked about what he was going to do once I was out of the hospital. Then it got quiet.

"I'm sorry Violet." Peter said out of the blue.

"For?" I asked.

"Being a dick when we dated. I'm not trying to win you back, I just want you to be happy. And wanted you to know I was sorry." He answered.

"Oh, well thanks Peter." I said, smiling at him. He smiled back and turned off the TV.

He waved goodbye and I waved back. I noticed I got a text message.


Goodnight princess. Love you babe. Sleep good.

I couldn't help but smile. He called me princess and babe. I quickly replied.

To Colton:

Goodnight babe. Love you too. And I will now that I talked to you.


Good. Sweet dreams.

I almost instantly fell asleep within minutes until I got another text.


I don't approve of your boyfriend.

To Chase:

I do not care. He will protect me from idiots like you. And I don't approve of you coming to the hospital and calling me a slutty attention seeker bitch! Or a whore or a slut or a bitch. Goodnight Chase.

I fell asleep angry. Don't they say you should never fall asleep angry?

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