Chapter 23 - Healer

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The next morning Lan WangJi finished his meditation and went to fetch their breakfast, as he did every morning. Today, though, he did not wake Wei WuXian. After leaving the Jingshi he stopped by the Hanshi and asked his brother to have one of the elders monitor his classes for the morning, as Wei WuXian had a bad night. He sought out Lan SiZhui and asked him to let Wang Xiu know that Wei WuXian would be late today. Lan SiZhui had immediately asked if his Father Wei was well, and Lan WangJi reassured him that he was simply exhausted from nightmares and he intended to let him sleep longer today. His last stop before the kitchens was at the Healing Hall, where he asked that a Healer come to the Jingshi mid-morning.

Back at the Jingshi, Lan WangJi left the breakfast tray on the table and sat at his guqin. He played Clarity, to dispel any lingering negative energies from the nightmare. When Wei WuXian still did not awaken, he played it several more times, then moved to playing WangXian. By the middle of the second playing of WangXian, Wei WuXian was sighing lightly and at the end he sat up in bed. His hair fell loosely around his shoulders, his sleeping robe had allowed one shoulder to escape, and he blinked like a sleepy owl.

"Lan Zhan? I had the best sleep..." Wei WuXian's voice trailed away. "Why are you playing the guqin? Isn't it breakfast now?"

"Mn. Past breakfast."

Wei WuXian looked out the window and saw the morning was well established. It was an hour or two past his usual rising time.

"Lan Zhan! With so much work to do, why did you let me sleep in? Why aren't you teaching? Is Cloud Recesses falling apart?"

"Wei Ying's nightmare was worse. Rest was needed."

Wei WuXian blew a kiss to his husband. "You take such good care of me, husband. But I'm fine. It's only a nightmare, after all."

"Want Wei Ying to see a Healer."

"For a nightmare? Aiya, Lan Zhan! I'm no baby, to be coddled because of bad dreams. They will listen and laugh and then dismiss me with hawthorn candy, like a child. Why trouble them?"

"Nightmares only one part. Wei Ying is also not eating."

Wei WuXian grimaced. "It's not like I don't want to, Lan Zhan. It's just hard to get used to the food, and while chili oil helps a lot it's only one taste all the time. Eating is hard when there's no appeal. I do try. I promise you I do."

"Nightmares. Not eating. Pains."

"Oh. Yeah, about that...I don't know what it is, Lan Zhan, so how can I tell a Healer? And it's not all the time. It comes and it goes and it doesn't last very long."

"Three things. A Healer is needed."

"Lan Zhaaaaannnnn....!"

"Healer will come soon. Wei Ying should dress and eat."

Pouting at his intractable husband, Wei WuXian accepted that Lan WangJi's mind could not be changed and got up and dressed. First the inner robes of red that were so distracting for his husband. Mischievously, he made certain to pass beyond the privacy screen and ensure Lan WangJi had a good look at him in that tantalizing garment, before adding the middle robes. Smoky, dark charcoal grey these were, as if coals and smoke had merged into colour just barely removed from black. Finally, the black outer robe and the sash and belt. Hmmmm...thought Wei WuXian. Lan Zhan may have a point. This belt is does feel a little loose. He tugged up the excess length and fastened it snugly, the way he preferred.

Sitting at the table the two men ate breakfast, quickly warmed by a heating talisman, courtesy of Wei WuXian.

Even as the dishes were returned to the tray, ready to go back to the kitchens, there was a knock at the door.

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