Chapter 50 - Awakening

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Just after the morning meal, a small group gathered in the Healing Hall. 

 Lan XiChen, Healer Zhang and several senior apprentices stood around the bed of the Grandmaster. Healer Zhang had flatly refused the request of the Council of Elders to be present when the Grandmaster was released from stasis - the fewer the better for both safety and the wellbeing of his patient. Ringing the room, quiet but alert against the walls, a dozen Cultivators who had served as guards in the Cold Cavern were once more in place. A necessary precaution for an unprecedented event.

Lan QiRen lay immobile in bed. His hands and feet were free of the extra warming covers, unneeded in the Healing Hall, and he appeared peaceful. His quilts were drawn beneath his chin, as if he simply slumbered.

Healer Zhang stepped up and placed his hands above the needles that kept the Grandmaster in stasis.

"Ready?" he asked, looking to his Sect Leader.

Lan XiChen turned his eyes about the room, looking at each Cultivator in turn. With a nod, he returned his gaze to the Healer.


Quickly, with a practiced snap of the wrist, the needles were removed. Healer Zhang laid them upon a towel held ready by an apprentice and they were whisked away for cleansing.

Anxiously, all eyes were trained on the Grandmaster. A minute passed. Two.

Eyes began moving behind lids not opened in weeks. A finger twitched. A foot turned out. A large inhalation and a sigh and the Grandmaster opened his eyes at last. Lan XiChen moved forward, to stand beside his uncle, taking his hand in his own.

Lan QiRen lay a moment longer, looking about the faces gathered around his bed, finally meeting his nephew's gaze.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, in a voice roughened by disuse. "What is going on?"

At the sound of his cranky, familiar voice, Lan XiChen bit the inside of his cheek to keep his composure. It had been so very, very long and his uncle was finally awake once more.

"You've been unwell, Uncle," he began.

"Nonsense!" came the quick rejoinder. "I feel perfectly fine. Everyone, get about your duties. Why are you in my chamber? Begone!"

Lan XiChen nodded his head to the others in the room, dismissing them. With bright faces showing their relief, the Cultivators and apprentices left, leaving only Healer Zhang and Lan XiChen with the Grandmaster.

"Why are you here?" he demanded of the Healer.

"You've been unwell for some time," answered Healer Zhang. "This is not your chamber. You are in the Healing Hall."

Lan QiRen looked about him, his grim expression slowly giving way to confusion. "Why am I here? I don't understand..."

Lan XiChen held tightly to his uncle's hand, and a beautiful little smile was born on the face that had been stressed for weeks now. "It's alright, Uncle. You've been unwell, but you're better now. What do you remember?"

The older man closed his eyes a moment, then opened them, looking from the Healer to his nephew and back again.

"I am not certain. I think I had tea, or was it a meal? You were there, XiChen, you should remember for me."

"Do you remember why we were together?"

Lan QiRen shook his head. "No. We were speaking together. About... something. That's all I recall."

"Do you remember what we were discussing?"

Again, Lan QiRen shook his head. "I do not."

Healer Zhang looked at Lan XiChen, and shook his head gently, warning him to go slowly and not overwhelm his patient.

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