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(Above: Hermione's gown)


Chapter Thirteen : A Not-So-Silent Night


The Quinjet landed gracefully, and Uncle Clint was wheeled away by Doctor Cho and her associates, followed closely by Aunt Nat. I lingered behind, still feeling the effects of whatever the female enhanced had done to me. Loki and Thor walked off with the sceptre, while Maria Hill walked up the ramp of the jet. "Lab's all set up, boss." She called, nodding in greeting at me as she passed. I returned the gesture but otherwise made no motion to move.

"Oh actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler." Tony rambled on slightly.

"What's the word on Strucker?" Cap asked.

"NATO's got him."

"The two Enhanced?" 

At this, I got up and walked over to them, looking over Steve's shoulder as he looked at a tablet Hill handed him. I saw various pictures of buildings in disrepair, and then a video of a crowd, protesting. And in the middle?

The Speedster and The Brunette.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special, but it's on the way to everywhere special." We began walking down a long hallway, which at the end, led to a lift.

"Their abilities?" I asked.

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation. " She trailed off, seeing Steve's blank look. "He's fast and she's weird." She simplified.

"Well, they're gonna show up again." He said, pressing the lift button.

"Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts." 

The lift doors opened, and Steve and I got in. Upon hearing her comment, he smiled sarcastically. "Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?" Hill sighed. 

"We're not at war, Captain."

"They are." And with that, the doors closed.


A few hours later, I went to visit Uncle Clint in the infirmary. He was about to get aquainted with the new equipment Helen Cho had brought with her from Seoul, when I saw Tony walk out of the room, having also checked up on his injured teammate. Deciding to follow him, I left my uncle in the company of Aunt Nat. I sat on the steps as the two men talked. 

Bruce met him at the bottom of the stairs.

"How's he doing?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, he's still Barton."

"That's terrible."

 I smirked at that. It wasn't often Bruce made a joke, but when he did, they were usually dry and sarcastic, which made them all the more funnier. 

"He's fine, he's thirsty." Tony walked into the centre of the lab. "Alright. Look alive, JARVIS. It's playtime. We've only got a couple of days with this joystick so let's make the most of it." The lab seemed to come alive, Tony speaking to JARVIS for a few moments. I stood to the side with Bruce as Tony started doing techy stuff, the pair still not having noticed I was even there.

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