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Chapter Twenty-Four - A Date


Hermione's POV:

After the events that had occurred, (which had pretty much guaranteed that no-one would be forgetting this Christmas anytime soon), it wasn't long before people decided to turn in. Soon, the only people in the living room were Loki and I. Neither of us spoke, or even moved; just staring blankly into the roaring fire as we pondered on the new discovery. It had been a long night, and I found myself lulled by the warmth and glow of the fire. I soon found myself curled up against Loki, falling swiftly into slumber.

A soft voice was the last thing I heard before I slept.

"Sleep, my dear."


The next morning, the Avengers stumbled bleary-eyed out into the kitchen, heads pounding as they regretted the alcohol they had drunken the previous night. Tablets were swallowed with only a grimace to show exactly what they tasted.

I had awoken with no such symptoms. being underage and living with the most overprotective adults around. Finding myself in my room - three guesses who had moved me there - I smiled as I remembered the events of yesterday. Walking into the kitchen, I grinned madly at the pitiful sight I saw before me and couldn't resist the opportunity. "GOOD MORNING AVENGERS!" I raised my voice, not quite shouting, but still loud enough to cause groans of annoyance and misery.

"Hermioneee, shush your mouth siren." Tony moaned pathetically as he face-planted onto the table.

"Maybe next time, Uncle dearest, you won't try and outdrink Thor?" I suggested, sliding him an Aspirin and an glass of water, which he took gratefully.

"I still say I was close to beating him." He grumbled under his breath.

"You keep telling yourself that, Stark." Thor chuckled, completely unaffected by the evening's liquor consumption. It would appear Midgardian alcohol had no effect on Asgardians. Thor turned back to making himself a toasted pop-tart, as Loki stepped into the room. I smiled shyly as he approached, handing him a plate of pancakes.

"Good morning, kjaereste. Sleep well?" He asked.

"Yes. And you?" I replied.


"I couldn't help but wonder how I fell asleep in the living room, but somehow mysteriously awoke in my bed?" I asked, giving him a knowing smile. He grinned, shrugging nonchalantly. 

"The universe is full of mysteries indeed, Witchling."

"I'm sure, silly Trickster."

From there, breakfast became quiet, as slowly, the Earth's Mightiest Heroes fought off the effects of hangovers and general morning moods. It wasn't until the majority of the room had dispered that I remembered something which had caught my interest. I turned to Loki, who raised an eyebrow of inquiry.

"What does... kjaereste mean?"

Loki smiled, and for a moment, I truly thought he would tell me. But, instead he just kissed the side of my head before picking up his empty plate, placing it in the sink, and walking out of the room. 

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Mischievous God.


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