The Baby Blues

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Harry's POV
I was in the middle of cooking dinner, it's been almost 2 weeks since Y/N and I came home From the hospital with our little boy, Leo. There were some complications when he was born a few weeks prior with fluid in his lungs. The doctors said it was bronchial pneumonia. It was pretty serious, we went 3 weeks without holding him or feeding him. We just stared at him as he laid in the plastic incubator in the NICU, connected to tubes for drainage output and a respirator to help him breathe. But I'm so glad he's doing much better now and he's home with us. Leo's such a sweet boy. Smiling and making his cute little newborn babbles as he drooled. It made me smile. He was quiet most nights, and then the nights he'd wake up I'd spent with him in the nursery sitting in the rocking chair holding him to my bare chest for a few hours after feeding him. Those moments were my favorite. I only hoped that Y/N could experience too. She was going through the postpartum, the 'baby blues' some called it. After the long and difficult birth and the scare of potentially losing Leo, it traumatized her. The moments we sat with Leo in the NICU, Y/N couldn't bare to see him like that. She felt it was her fault. She blamed herself for putting him in this position. Not saying that it was common but it wasn't uncommon for it to happen. I did everything I could to reassure her that things like this can happen, it's up in the air. Ever since we left with Leo, she hasn't held him once since he's been born. Afraid that she'll hurt him or put him in the same position he was when he was sick. She'd pump milk to bottle feed him.

Y/N hadn't really spoken or eaten much, she'd spend most of her days asleep or pumping milk for the baby. The other day I caught her sobbing in the bathroom with the shower on after I put Leo down for bed. It broke my heart seeing her like this, like she wasn't fully there. I wanted to hold her in my arms but she'd push me away. I felt awful that I couldn't keep the one person I loved most in this world from falling apart. She's my whole world. My wife, was not herself and I couldn't help but feel at fault for not being able to make her feel okay again.

A few weeks had gone by where I had completely exhausted myself cleaning the house and taking care of both Y/N and Leo. I needed a moment for myself so I put Leo down for a nap while Y/N was asleep in our bed. I grabbed the baby monitor and walked out to the back porch and sat on the step before letting my tears fall onto the pavements. My cries weren't loud but they weren't quiet either. I took a moment to breathe as the wind blew against my face before I heard Leo's cries echo through the baby monitor. I quickly wiped my tears and stood up walking back into the house. I head up the stairs nearing the nursery. "It's okay bubba, daddy's comin." I called out rushing up the stairs. I reached the nursery, the door was slightly cracked as I heard Y/N's hushes. "Shh, it's okay. Mumma's here." She spoke. I slightly opened the door to see as she stood in the center of the room swaying as she sung a sweet lullaby. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.." She sang. I stood there in the doorway smiling admiring the moment. Leo's cries quieted down before she turned her head towards me. "He's so tiny..I can't believe he's ours." She whispered. "I know.." I whispered back slowly making my way towards her. "I never want to let him go." She spoke looking down at our baby boy. "I know darling.." I gently kissed the top of her head. She gently placed Leo down into his crib before I felt her grab my hand pulling me out of the nursery. That was the first time she's touched me in weeks. Her soft hand in mine. She pulled me into our bedroom sitting down on the bed. She patted down a place in front of her for me to sit down. I was hesitant but I sat down. "Are you okay Harry?" She asked, I nodded. I held back the few tears I still had in my eyes from before. "Oh love.." She put her hand on my cheek as a tear fell, I missed her touch. I reached my hand up to hers pulling it from my face kissing her palm before bring our hands down to my lap. "I've missed you darling, so much.." I spoke moving a piece of hair out of her face. "I'm sorry about all the worry and pain I've caused you love." She apologized. "No, you have nothing to apologize for." I spoke. "But I do. I've been so mean to you, pushing you away when you were only trying to help and be there for me. Thank you for not giving up on me..really.." She said, so graciously. "I could never give up on you, I love you too much to do that. I just want you to know that I'm always here. I should be the one asking if you're okay?" I questioned. "I mean, I'm still tired and I don't have a lot of energy but I will be okay, soon. I will try." She replied. I smiled at her before she crawled over leaning into me. I wrapped my arms around her as she held my arms. "I love you Harry.." She spoke. "I love you most.." I tilted my head down pressing my lips to the top of her head.

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