Chapter Four Part One (Stiles)

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* I DON'T own Teen Wolf. All rights go to where they should go.*

Chapter Four, Part One

~~~~~ Stiles Imagine ~~~~~

Imagine that it is now Monday morning and you're getting ready for school. Today would be your first day at Beacon Hills High School. You're starting halfway through the first semester because of family issues. You live with your mother who isn't the nicest person and who is also an alcoholic. It all started once your father had left a few years back. 

Anyways, because you didn't have a car, you began to walk to school remembering where to turn as you have learned over the past few days while exploring. Breathing in the nice cool air, you smile at two thoughts going through your mind. One is the thought of getting out of the house and the second is the thought of seeing Stiles again. 

Forty-five minutes quickly passed when you realize that you had reached the school. Looking at the time on your phone, you see that you have about fifteen minutes left before you actually had to get to class. Deciding that it would be smart to get your schedule and look for your first class, you start to head inside. Once you had asked directions to the main office from someone, you start to head in the direction that the student had told you. 

Once you walked in, the lady at the front desk smiled at you while she said "Hi. May I help you with something?"

"Yes please. I'm new to the school and was wondering if I could get my schedule." You say sweetly with a polite smile. 

"Name?" The lady asked back just as polite. Once you had given your name to her, she stood up and went into a back room. A couple of minutes later, she came back out of the room with a piece of paper. Handing it to you, she said "There you go, honey."

Smiling back you gave her a quiet thank you and walked out of the office only to bump into something, or someone. When you looked up you saw a pair of green eyes along with a head of strawberry - blonde hair reaching a little past their shoulders. 

"I'm so sorry." You say uneasily as you move slightly away from her.

"No. Its fine. I'm Lydia by the way." She said with a smile as she seemed to be looking you up and down. "I love your shirt..."

"(Y/N)." You say while sticking your hand out to her.

She nods her head as she takes your hand, shaking it quickly before dropping it and then asking "Are you new here?"

You nod as you say "I moved here about a week ago but wanted to wait to start school until I had everything or close to everything unpacked."

"Have you met anyone willing to be your friend yet?" She asked with a smile. Once again you nod but before you can say who, she says "Well now you have another one." With that being said, she links one of her arms around yours and begins to pull you outside.

"Where are we going?" You manage to ask when you see a field close up ahead.

"See those bleachers?" She asked with yet another smile while pointing up to a set of bleachers facing the field with her free hand. Seeing you nod your head, she says "We're going up there."

With eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, you ask "Why?"

"To watch the lacrosse practice obviously." She says with a duh tone. Deciding not to answer with anything, you both reach the bleachers and sit down just as the lacrosse players come out to the field. You look at each one closely seeing if any of them look familiar. When your eyes land on a kid with a jersey that had the number twenty-four on it, you recognize him as Stiles.

You watch him take a seat on the bench alone while everyone else is talking and warming up. Frowning slightly, you tell Lydia that you'll be back in a few minutes. Walking up to the bench and sitting down beside Stiles, you say "Hey."

You visibly see him jump before he smiles and says "Hi."

"Why are you sitting on the bench while everyone else is warming up?" You asked slightly confused.

His smile falters a little before he says "I'm always on the bench."

"I'm sorry. That must really suck." You say quietly as you watch the others listening in to watch the coach is saying before looking over at Stiles watching his expression about the whole thing.

He shrugs his shoulders with a small smile as he says "It doesn't really bother me." 

You smile back at him, feeling bad for ditching Lydia, already knowing that you weren't going back up in the bleachers to sit with her during this practice. The entire practice you and Stiles just sat there on the bench getting to know each other a little more with many questions and laughs.


Its been about a month which is kinda my goal. I try to update at least once a month. So here is part one of chapter four which is a Stiles fanfiction. I hope you enjoy my imagines and some feedback would be nice!! I'll try to update again soon although I'm not promising anything. Please comment on what you think of these. It would mean the world to me! Thank you.

~ Shelby

Teen Wolf Imagines (Stiles, Isaac and Derek) ((Slow Updates))Where stories live. Discover now