Chapter Three Part One (Stiles)

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*I do NOT own Teen Wolf. All rights go to Jeff Davis and MTV.*

Chapter Three, Part One

~~~~~ Stiles Imagine ~~~~~

Imagine that you just heard the Sheriff get home as you and Stiles just got done laughing about something to do with Mr. Harris. You guys here the Sheriff come up the stair when you start to breathe a little out of the normal. 

Stiles what is your dad going to say when he sees that Im here? You ask him quietly. Stiles just shrugs as his dad knocks on the door before walking in. He looks at you, then Stiles and then back to you. Trying to play it cool, you give him a small wave along with a smile. 

He then looks at Stiles and gestures to the door saying Can I talk to you out here? Stiles sighs and nods as he stands up from the bed and makes his way outside the room. The Sheriff follows him and closes the door behind them. Even though the door is closed, you can here every word that is being said. 

Hey dad. Whats up? You can hear Stiles say casually.

What is she doing here? His father asked curious. How did you even meet her? He went on further.

At the police station...when I was getting help from Tara with my homework. Stiles said like it was no big deal.

And you think it was a good idea to bring her here? To our home? His father asked.

Its not like shes a murderer. She told me what she did even before she went into your office. Weve talked and shell be going to my school and shes really nice. Stiles said backing you up.

You hear his father sigh as he says Fine. Ill give her chance. I better not see her in the office again though.

Thanks dad. And she wont. Ill make sure of it. Stiles said.

Thats what Im afraid of. His dad said as he began to walk away. His footsteps getting fainter and fainter. 

Stiles walked into the room and smiled at you. I should leave. You say not wanting to cause tension between people.

You dont have to. Stiles said as he sat down on his bed.

You sigh as you say I heard everything. I am such a bad influence. Your dad was right, I shouldnt be here. 

Stiles shakes his head and shrugs as he says Dont worry about that. He doesnt mean half the things he says most times.

What time is it? You ask curiously as you tilt your head to one side changing the subject for a short minute.

Stiles looks at the alarm clock on his bedside table, which his body is blocking from you, and says Its almost six thirty.

Yeah, I think its time for me to go home anyways. I still have to unpack things in the house. You say as you start to stand up.

Stiles stands up as he says Do you want a ride home?

You smile at his eagerness to want to stay with you as you nod and say Sure. I live right around the corner from you, actually.

Really? That amazing! He said smiling and laughing just a little as he started to make his way out of his room and down the stairs. You followed him out to of the house, being sure to pass his dad silently as to not to be seen by him and to his jeep, climbing into the passenger side and buckling up the seat belt with a smile on your face the entire time. You give Stiles directions to your house along with making some small conversation in between. 

Once he pulled into the driveway, you un buckled your seat belt and opened the door. Turning back around to face him, you say Thank you.

He frowns slightly as he says For what?

Just for everything, from talking to me at the police station to taking me home now. You say with a small smile.

Oh that? It was no problem. He said giving you a big smile making you blush a little at the sight of him smiling and looking at you with those caring eyes.

Well still, thank you and Ill see you around sometime. Probably on Monday for school. Bye. You say rambling on a little bit as you give him a small wave and start up you driveway. As you walk up and into your house, you start to think about what would happen on Monday at school.


I'm really sorry that I haven't updated really and I will try to update more. I have spread these out more hoping that I can give you guys more imagines to read. Also, I have thought that it would be quicker this way. Please vote and comment on whether I should continue these or not...I have no clue if these imagines are confusing for you or what...So please just tell me what you think!!! The Isaac imagine is coming soon btw!

Teen Wolf Imagines (Stiles, Isaac and Derek) ((Slow Updates))Where stories live. Discover now