Chapter Six Part Three (Derek)

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Chapter Six, Part Three

~~~~~ Derek Imagine ~~~~~

You looked down at the empty plate in front you, which was once piled up with food, before standing up and taking it to the sink. As you turn around you hear Derek say "Wow, you sure can eat."

"Shut up." You say playfully as you giggle a little. He chuckles as he looks down at his almost empty plate.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Derek asked also standing up to put his plate in the sink. You didn't expect him to want to spend more time with you which shocked you. Your face expressed the shock look as his face scrunched up while he asked "You do have off today right? I figured we could go for a walk for a little bit."

Replacing your face with a smile instead of shock you nodded your head and replied with "Yeah, of course. Just around town or in the preserve?"

"I was thinking maybe around town such as getting more coffee?" His statement sounding more like a question.

You smile with a little deviousness and shrug saying "Yeah, sure. Coffee sounds nice, especially after eating all that food." You place your hands on your stomach now regretting all the food you ate.

You both get your jackets on, you putting your phone in your pocket, even though it's practically dead with it's 13% battery and Derek putting a set of keys into his pocket. "Ready?" He asked while holding the door open for you.

Just as you're about to walk out, you almost bump into a boy who you recognize as Scott McCall, as you're friends with his mother, and another boy who you don't recognize. "Derek, we kind of have a situation...." Scott begins before realizing that Derek has company. "Oh, hi." He says awkwardly as he looks between you two. It takes Scott a few seconds to realize what's going on as his cheeks heat up from the embarrassment of interrupting you two.

"Can we deal with it later?" Derek asks with widening eyes and a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Well, no. We-" Started the nameless boy before getting elbowed and interrupted by Scott who broke him off.

"Yes, we will be back later when you're free." Scott said quickly as he pulled the other boy out of the loft.

You laugh a little as you walk out of the door and outside where a small wind has started. "So, do you always hang out with high school boys?" You ask with a grin teasing him.

"No, I just help them with school work." Derek said with a shrug as you both start to walk towards the center of town where the best café is for coffee.

"You don't seem like a school work person." You say with a laugh putting your already cold hands in the pockets of your jacket.

He cracked a sideways smile saying "Are you saying I don't look smart? I'm kidding. Well anyways, sometimes, people surprise you. Plus, I mainly help them with their school sports."

"That seems more like it." You say laughing again as you sneak a peek at his muscley arms and chest which are covered but defined by his leather jacket. He, again, opened the door for you as you both have reached the café.

You thank him as you walk by, and make your way up to the counter. He joins you and you both order coffee. When you go to take your wallet out, he's already giving the cashier a five-dollar bill and telling her to keep the change.

"You didn't have to pay, you know." You tell him with a small eye roll as you put your wallet back in your pocket. You both move over to the "pick up" line as he just shrugs his shoulders.

With your coffees in hand, you start the walking again, you taking the lead on where to go. You slowly start to take the route to the preserve wanting to walk it as the feeling of nature around you tends to calm you. The entire way, you've made conversation here and there and laughing as there was never a dull moment.

Once Derek realizes where you guys are, his smile falters for a split second before his face turns into confusion as he says "I thought you said we'd walk around town?"

"Yeah, well technically we walked through town to get here and I figured we could do both as the preserve has a calming effect on me." You say with a shrug as you look around at the trees all around you.

"You're not worried about the animal attacks?" He asked looking around before looking back at you.

You laughed as you looked back at him. Shaking your head, no, as you say, "No, most animals are more scared of humans than we are of it. As long as one doesn't do anything stupid, that animal should just run away. Besides, for the last few years I've learned a little bit of self-defense so I'll be fine in case one decides not to run."

Derek looks kind of skeptical before mumbling something under his breath. You swear you heard a word sounding like "wolf" but assume you heard wrong as wolves haven't been in this part of the country for decades. You did your research before moving out here. "What did you say?" You ask with a sickly, sweet smile.

"I said, we better get going." He said with a small grin and putting his hands out in a "you first" gesture. Grinning back, you again take the lead and start walking the path, grateful that you have your sneakers on.

About 20 minutes into the walk, you hear leaves crunching and twigs snapping coming from both sides of you. Derek tenses up as you continue on figuring its some deer passing through.

Next thing you know, Derek pushes you behind him and begins looking in all directions around you guys. "Calm down, it's probably just some deer passing throu-" As you're talking you see a girl with long nails and no shoes on her feet. Looking at her feet, you can see that her toenails are just as long.

"Sweetie, I believe you are the deer in this situation." She said with a sick smile on her face as she rocked back and forth looking ready to pounce. You swear her eyes flashed red but by the time you blinked her eyes looked normal.

You hear a snapping of another twig to your left and look to see what looks like a huge monster who is obviously bigger and taller than you. You can feel your heart rate increasing as your fear rises not knowing what that thing is and what they want.

Everything happens so fast. First thing that happens is that you get pushed forcefully to the ground by Derek who is trying to protect you. "She has nothing to do with this." You hear him say. When you look up, you see the girl transformed into something that only existed in fairytales. 


Hey guys! Sorry for taking five years to post this. It really doesn't seem that long ago but the math adds up lol. I have an 18-month-old who has been keeping me incredibly busy so again I apologize for this taking literally forever. Before that time, I have no excuse for not posting other than the fact that I lost my love for writing. As I read more and more of other people's stories though I've been wanting to write more so I'm hoping that means I'll be updating more in the future, whether it's this book or another one. I technically have a Teen Wolf Series (Scott Fanfic) started in my drafts. I have an outline all done for the first book and half of a second book. To help with actually writing it, I wanted all the book outlines to be done before starting to write the actual books. Hopefully I can get it done before I grow old lol. Thank you all for reading and hopefully we talk soon again!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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Teen Wolf Imagines (Stiles, Isaac and Derek) ((Slow Updates))Where stories live. Discover now