Chapter Six Part One (Stiles)

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Chapter Six, Part One

~~~~~ Stiles Imagine ~~~~~

Imagine that school is over for the day, which was very confusing for you considering this was your first day. Youre walking outside and down the school steps when you hear your name being called from somewhere to the left of you. When you look over you see that its Stiles along with Scott.

Instantly you plaster a smile on your face as you stop in your tracks, waiting for them to catch up to you, which doesnt take long at all. Hey Stranger. Stiles said with a somewhat nervous laugh as Scott and him finally caught up with you.

Hey. You say with a small giggle as you slowly turn around and start to walk towards the parking lot with them tagging along.

Stiles scratched the back of his head as he nervously asked If youre not too busy, would you like to maybe hang out with Scott and I?

Sure. You say with a small smile. I just have to text my mom/dad really quick just to let her/him know where Ill be. You add while quickly pulling out your phone, which you almost drop from how fast you are acting. You laugh a little nervously as you try to cover up your almost mistake. You send a quick text to your mom/dad saying youll be at a friends.

Stiles smiles awkwardly as he nods while saying Of course. Take your timebut not too much time because were almost to the jeep.

Already done. You reply as you stick your phone in your back pocket not really waiting for a text back. Stiles nods his head as his mouth slowly turns into an O shape, at how fast that actually took, finally reaching his special baby. Smiling back over the hood at him you open the passenger door and hop into the back without a problem. Usually you would complain about how you should have shotgun but considering you dont know Scott or even Stiles that well, you just shut your trap and keep smiling. At least Ive made friends you think as you sit there while Stiles starts up the precious baby blue jeep.

A couple minutes go by as you just sit there listening in on Scott and Stiles conversation when Scotts phone goes off signaling he got a text. Derek says he needs our help. Scott says after reading his text to Stiles, trying to be quiet but failing.

Whos Derek? You ask popping out of the back seat squeezing your way in between them so you can hear better. He could be someone from school because lets face it, you know almost absolutely no one.

They look at each other as they try to think of a response to give you. Being given the look on both faces of the boys you can tell that this Derek dude either doesnt go to school or is just a really bad influence. Hes afamily friend of Scotts. Stiles says quickly which leads to Scott giving him an unpleased look before agreeing with Stiles.

Ahhhokay. So what does he need help with? You ask curiously looking between them and the road which makes it look like youre heading into nowhere land.

Scott and Stiles looked at each other again before Stiles blurted out Scotts a werewolf. That being said you laughed as you thought he was joking. Scott on the other hand punched Stiles in the arm causing you and the guys to swerve a little off the road. Realizing that no one else was laughing you stopped as you looked confusingly between them.

Seriously? You ask with another small chuckle hoping they would stop messing with you. Stiles slowly nodded his yes. You seriously expect me to fall for something so idiotic and impossible? I mean come on! Werewolves arent even real! You exclaimed loudly as you moved your hands around trying to make a point.

Were being serious. Scott finally spoke up realizing that he couldnt go back in time to keep you from finding out. Seeing the disbelieving look on your face made him sigh and say Ill even prove it to you.

You sat back in your seat and crossed your arms with a slight frown on your face as you didnt believe either one of them. Whatever you say. You finally say quietly as you look out the window still not believing anything. By the way, where are we going again? You ask with your face scrunched up in confusion.

To help Derek..and to prove that Scott is a werewolf. Stiles said with a small nervous smile on his face. He was nervous about how you would react to seeing a werewolf right before your eyes.


Oh my....I am so sorry for leaving everyone hanging for such a long time. I'm trying to process a lot of things right now. I'm sorry to say that just because I have updated this today it does not mean that there will be regular updates. This is just a spur of the moment kind of thing.


Teen Wolf Imagines (Stiles, Isaac and Derek) ((Slow Updates))Where stories live. Discover now