Chapter Five Part One (Stiles)

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Chapter Five, Part One

~~~~~ Stiles Imagine ~~~~~

After the lacrosse practice was over, you waited for Stiles outside of the boys locker room. While waiting for him, Lydia came around the corner looking slightly angry, but once she reached you she couldn't help the small smile that came onto her face.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you alone out on the bleachers." You say quickly before she can say anything to you first.

She laughs a little as she says "Don't worry about it. It's fine." You begin to smile a little seeing that she wasn't angry with you. " that who you met already? Stilinski?" She asks with a small knowing smiling while wiggling her eyebrows.

You almost choke on your own spit as the heat rises to your cheeks. "Oh, um, no, well yes but I mean we're friends. Nothing more. I met him before school started so he said he would show me around the school." You say trying to hide the slight blush by not directly looking at her.

"Mmm-hmm." She says with a smirk as she raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

"I swear. Nothing is going on." You say with a shrug as you look back at her.

She seems to think for a minute before smiling and saying "Then you wouldn't mind if I set you up on a date with one of Jackson's friends, right?"

"Who's Jackson?" You ask scrunching up your face, slightly confused.

"My boyfriend." Lydia says with almost a 'duh' tone of voice. "It'll be fun. We can go on a double date!" She said her grin getting bigger as she talked about it.

You stand there for about a minute as you think 'I kind of owe her for leaving her on the bleachers and it can't be that bad?' Biting your lip for a second, you say "Alright I'll go. Just don't make it tonight though. I still have things to do at home."

"Yay!!" Lydia said while almost jumping up and down. You laugh a little at her childish behavior. "I'll either see you later in classes, possibly lunch if you have no one to sit with or tomorrow at school." She said with a smile before turning around and leaving you alone waiting for Stiles.

Luckily you didn't have to wait very long cause Stiles came out of the locker room not even a minute later. "Were you talking to someone? Like actually mingling?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and a smile on his face.

You start to walk, not really knowing where you're going, as Stiles follows along beside you"Uh, yeah. I was talking to Lydia. I met her before your practice." You say with a nod. "And mingling?" You ask with a little laugh.

He rolled his eyes playfully before asking "So, what did you guys talk about?" Shrugging your shoulders like it was no big deal, you say "About ditching her on the bleachers and about meeting new people." For some reason you really didn't want Stiles to know about the blind date that Lydia was planning to set up for you.

"So what class do you have now?" He asked curiously as he held out his hand for your schedule. You hand him the schedule to which he looks over before grinning and saying "English. Well lucky for you, I have English as well."

You mentally sigh in relief as you take your schedule back and putting it in your bookbag as Stiles begins to take the lead to the classroom. On the way to walking to English, Stiles speaks up asking "So, do you have anyone to sit with at lunch? Cause if not then you can sit with me."

You shake your head as you say "No, Lydia is the only person that I have made friends with yet. I mean she said that if I had no one to sit with at lunch, then I could sit with her, but I have you to sit with now."

"Well, this is the room we have English in." Stiles said with a smile as he stopped outside of a classroom, you copying his actions. He smiles even more when he goes inside seeing only a few people sitting in desks and talking amongst themselves. Stiles heads to the back of the class, signaling for you to follow him. He sets his stuff down on a desk next to the window and then points to a desk behind him. "This desk has been empty since the beginning of the year, so you can sit there if you want." He said awkwardly as he scratches the back of his neck.

You smile as you say "Thanks." After you sit down, he sits in his own seat. You guys talk until the teacher comes telling everyone to quiet down. Before the lesson actually gets started, the teacher introduces you to the class, to which you look around to the other students before your eyes land on Stiles' eyes, making you smile as you feel happy.


Oh my gosh! I can't believe it has been 2 months since the last time that I have updated this. I am so sorry, for people that actually read this, that I haven't updated sooner. I just haven't really been home lately and when I am home, I tend to put writing off and oh my. School starts next week for me, so honestly I don't know if I will be quicker in updating or slower. Just please don't hate me for not updating sooner!!! I love all of you who read this!!

~ Shelby

Teen Wolf Imagines (Stiles, Isaac and Derek) ((Slow Updates))Where stories live. Discover now