Chapter One Part Three (Derek)

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* I do NOT own Teen Wolf. All rights go to Jeff Davis and MTV.*

Chapter One, Part Three

~~~~~ Derek Imagine ~~~~~

Imagine your walking into a coffee shop after work. You walk in, go up to the counter and order a coffee with a glazed doughnut. While you waiting for your name to be called, you slowly start to back up to go sit down at one of the tables. When you turn around, you bump inyo something hard. For a minute you think you have ran into a wall. But when you look up, you see someone with gorgeous hazel eyes, palish skin and soft looking black hair.

Realizing your taking way too long to apologize, you start to stutter as you try to quickly say I - Im soo s-s-sorry.

He flashes you a bright smile which makes you want to faint right there. No, its fine. He says as he starts to chuckle a little. You can feel the heat rush up to your cheeks as he laughs. 

Before you can stop yourself, you ask with a little smile Do you want to sit down and have coffee with me?

His smile got even brighter and bigger, if that was even possible as he said Sure. You walked to the table that was closest to the window, so you could look out of it. My name is Derek. He said as sat down. You looked at him and introduced yourself as you sat down too.

A couple minutes later he said Your order is done and ready. They called your name. 

After hearing this you jump up while saying Oh. You scurry over to the counter and receive your order from the guy who has slipped his number on the receipt. Noticing this, you take the receipt and throw it away on your way back to the table.

Sitting down, you hear Derek ask What was it that you threw away?

Thats guys number. You say as you look down at the table and take a sip of your coffee.

Why? He asks with a curious look.

Im just...not interested. You say as you rip off a piece of the doughnut and put it in your mouth.

Who are you interested in, if you dont mind me asking. He said while smiling that gorgeous smile.

No one. you say as you smile looking down.

I think thats a lie. He said as he was chuckling lightly.

You look up to meet his eyes as you say And why would you say that?

He looked nervous about something before he replied with You were smiling as you were saying no one.

Was I? You asked confused, even though you clearly know you were smiling. Well, I was thinking about my puppy, Buddy. I cant wait to get home and see him. You say as you start to smile again, not just because of Buddy, but because you covered up what you were really thinking about, which was of Derek.

Well I dont to hold you up. So I think Im going to go. Derek says as he starts to stand up.

Oh, ok. You say disappointed that he was going to leave.

If I give you my number, you wouldnt throw it away would you? He asked as he took out a pen from his pocket while trying to contain his laughter.

You blush as you say Of course not. He wrote down his number on a napkin and handed it to you. You take the napkin, look at it while smiling and then put it in your pocket. You look up saying Thanks and bye.

Derek smiles back at you and says No problem. Bye. You watch him as he walks out towards a black camaro. Once he pulls out of the parking lot, you finish your coffee and doughnut. Then you walk out towards your car, ready to go home, but not before checking your pocket to make sure his number is still there.

Teen Wolf Imagines (Stiles, Isaac and Derek) ((Slow Updates))Where stories live. Discover now