Chapter Two Part Three (Derek)

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*I do NOT own Teen Wolf. All rights go to Jeff Davis and MTV.*

Chapter Two, Part Three

~~~~~ Derek Imagine ~~~~~

Imagine that once you get home, you unlock the front door and is greeted by your dog. Hey my puppy. You say as you start to pet it. About three hours later you start taking everything out of your pockets and putting it on the counter, you see the napkin with Dereks number on it. You pick it up and think whether you should call it or not, or if its too soon to call him. Deciding you dont really care if you just saw him, you call the number anyways.

After a few rings, someone answers the phone with Hello?

Hi, its uh, (Y/N.) You say as you bite your lip nervously.

Oh, hi. He says happily.

You smile as you say Hi. Realizing that you said hi for a second time, you mentally face palm yourself and laugh a little while saying Ive already said that, sorry.

Its fine. He says chuckling. Do you want to come over? He asks sounding unsure.

You think about it for a minute before smiling brightly and responding with Yeah sure, Id love to.

Do you want me to pick you up, meet me somewhere or do you want to drive here yourself? He asks sounding a little excited.

Would you mind picking me up? I live at 17 Main Street. You suggest as you start to walk around the house in excitement.

Not a problem, Ill be there in about ten minutes. He said.

Okay, bye. You say happily.

Bye. He says before the line goes dead. You go around the house, fixing things up before you would have to leave. Once the house is how you like it, you take the dog outside and then give it fresh food and water before hearing a car honk outside. Walking out the door, you lock it and then make your way to his black camaro. Hey. He says smiling his bright, white smile of his as you get in.

You blush slightly as you say a quiet Hi.

Your house looks nice from here. Ill have to get a closer look at the inside sometime. He says as he starts to drive off. 

You smile as you say Yeah, I guess you will. Maybe sometime during the week, when Im not on my shift, you can.

You work? Where? He asked curiously.

I work as a nurse at the Beacon Hills Hospital. One week Ill work during the day shift and then the following week Ill be working the night shift. You say shrugging as you look out the window sneaking quick glances at him.

He nods as he asks So, do you know Melissa McCall?

You nod as you say Yeah. I work with her a lot. She is actually the one that has been helping me the most with the things that I have to do. How do you know her?

He pauses for a minute before saying I use to babysit Scott McCall, her son, when he was younger.

Oh. Ive met her son a few times. He seems really nice. Bringing her lunch and all. You say as you guys pull up to a building.

Hes okay. He said as he got out and started to walk up to the building, with you following in behind him. So what do you want to do? We can talk or watch a movie. Whatever you want. He said as he sat down on a couch.

A movie would be nice. You say as you sit down next to him.

He nods as he gets up and asks Any moves that you prefer?

What do you have? You ask curiously.

He goes over to where his movies are and starts to read them out loud. Hearing a movie called I Am Legend, you stop him and say that you want to watch that movie. He smirks as he puts it in, grabs the remote and then walks back over to the couch. Sitting down, he starts a conversation during the previews until he presses play for the movie to start. Once the movie has started, you end up closer to him than you actually thought you were, feeling the heat radiating off of him.

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