Mend a Hurt Person

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You were laying in bed and felt an arm around your waist, hearing some breathing coming from behind you. You realized Ryker was sleeping behind you and decided to hold you in his arms. Shoving back a little, you got closer to Ryker and you felt he was tightening his arm around you.

You were both startled awake when there was an explosion on deck. "What was that?" You asked startled and scared as another explosion followed. A few planks of the ceiling of the room came falling down towards you and you were scared that they would fall on you with your fresh wounds.

Ryker quickly threw his body over you and protected you by doing so. "Ryker... What... Why did you do that?" You stuttered. "I couldn't let these planks hit you now that you are wounded. I don't want to see you hurt." His eyes turned into those of a puppy as he slowly came closer to you, wanting to press his lips against yours, but an explosion quickly got the two of you separated again.

You heard a specific dragon roar and Ryker soon knew what these explosions were about. "Dragon Riders." Ryker growled and was certainly not pleased being woken up this way. "They're coming for me!" You thought out loud. "What?" Ryker asked you a little confused.

You sat up and looked him in the eyes. "The Riders trust me so much that they took me in as one of their own. They want me to be a Dragon Rider." You told him. "And do you want to be one?" Ryker asked you the unexpected question. "I..." You sighed out. "I don't know. I'm torn..." A tear welled up in your eye when you felt Ryker's hand on your cheek. "No matter what you choose, I will always be here for you. Rider or Hunter." He stood up and walked towards the door.

You got out of the bed quickly to walk after him. "Ryker, wait!" You called out to him and grabbed him around the neck, pulling him into a hug. "I want to stay with you, but I also just want to get onto Jaynu's back and fly off, while at the same time the Riders expect me to go with them. I don't know what to do." You were honest to him.

"Keep your cover up and fight with the Riders. If you don't trust yourself in the battle, then keep your distance. I will notify the crew that your dragon is off limits for shooting. Don't worry about me, I can handle a battle with them." He winked at you as you backed away a little, but he still held his hands on your waist.

Ryker let go of you and opened up a cell door. "What? No! Why?" You resisted to whatever his idea was. "Don't worry, you're not a prisoner, but we will make the Riders think you are. They are here to free you, as you said. Blasting a hole into the side of the ship can make them think they free you and you can join them in the battle." He signed you gently to step into the cell and he closed it gently behind you. "If the Riders retreat and they haven't freed you, I will be here for you." He held his hand on your cheek again before he hurried himself outside.

You thought of how you could make clear to the Riders outside that you were 'trapped' in here. You just decided to bang your fists against the wooden sides of the ship, hoping someone would hear you.

After a short while of bashing your fists into the wooden walls, you could hear a feint voice coming from the other side. "Incoming!" Someone shouted and a hole was blasted into the ship, just as Ryker predicted.

When the smoke cleared from your spot, you saw Snotlout and Hookfang emerge from the smoke. "Oh yeah! That's right. Snotlout saved you!" He flexed his muscles and bragged all about it. "Oh, yay..." You tried to cheer, but it only came out sarcastically.

Snotlout whistled quickly and Jaynu quickly came to his side. "Jaynu!" You were certainly happy to see him with his derp face. You took a run-up and jumped out of the side of the ship, being caught by Jaynu in the air, quickly making your way up into the air.

As the Riders were attacking the ship, trying to keep themselves to their mission, you noticed they were also targeting Ryker as well. Although you still didn't know what it was you felt for him, he meant your freedom. If you failed him, he would never let you enjoy your freedom again.

You were in conflict with yourself. You weren't sure if you had to help him out or keep your cover up and keep attacking him along with the Riders. Ryker had shown you he trusts you and seems to care about you, but the Riders want you to be one of them.

As you were hovering high up in the air watching over the battle below you, you saw Astrid have Stormfly shoot a spine, while Snotlout and Hookfang distracted Ryker. You held you breath when you saw what happened.

His scream of pain and agony went through bone and marrow, and made the hairs on the back of your head stand straight up. You saw him fall to his knees, trying to stop the blood from escaping his wound as the spine was still sticking out of his lower abdomen.

"That's it! We can't stay here and do nothing. Without our help, Ryker won't survive this. The Riders will kill him! Let's swoop down, surprise each Rider, grab Ryker and get the hell out of here." You said to your dragon. He roared in agreement and did what you told him.

Jaynu dived down and distracted the Riders with his immensely high heat blue fire blasts. The Riders were definitely surprised by your actions and you heard them protest and swear at you.

"What do you think you're doing?" Astrid called out at you. "Is she serious?!" Snotlout yelled out. "She is going to betray us!" Ruffnut shouted out as loud as she could. "Eh, sis? I'm right next to you. Thanks for making me deaf." Tuffnut wiggled his pinky finger is his right ear.

As Jaynu reached Ryker, he quickly grabbed the man in his mouth and gently threw him over to his back, allowing himself to get ready and soar off in great speed. "Okay, buddy. Let's go now! Bring us somewhere safe!" You yelled out to your dragon as you held on to the handle on his new saddle with one hand and held onto Ryker, who had fallen unconscious by now, with your other.

Jaynu roared violently and made himself ready to be faster than the wind. "Block all her exits! Now! Make sure she can't escape!" Hiccup yelled to the other Riders, but all their attempts would be in vein. "Forget it, Hiccup! My dragon is much faster than your Night Fury!" You called out to him as Jaynu climbed to gain altitude and catch the wind.

After an hour of flying, you were far out of the Riders territory and Ryker's assumed home. You were tending to his wound, trying to make his bleeding to stop. "We have to land and find a place where I can treat him." You said, but Jaynu did not fully agree with you. "I know you don't like to come down towards land and unknown forests, buddy, but we have to if we want to save his life. Let's go now." You made sure Jaynu would feel a lot safer about it.

Soon, the Silver Phantom found an island that would be large enough to land and hide if you needed to. Jumping off your dragon, you quickly ran into the boscage to find herbs to cure the poison from the spine. You hoped you wouldn't be too late. You knew Deadly Nadder spines contain a venom that can be deadly when left untreated, and that venom was rushing quickly through Ryker's body.

You quickly found some leaves you knew were effective against Nadder spine poison and rushed yourself back to him. Jaynu dragged him into sheltered place, out of sight from anyone flying over you, but you were still surrendered to the weather conditions. You had to find shelter that would cover you from cold or rain.

You crushed the leaves and prepared them to be bound into Ryker's bandages. You still had to removed the spine from his side and you had to know for sure you had everything with you to prevent him from bleeding out. Having an injury like this, you had to burn a few veins to stop blood from flowing. You were glad he was still unconscious as he would be in for a lot of pain during this risky procedure. 

"Jaynu, fire." You pointed to a little pile of wood and your dragon lit it. You poked a dagger you found hidden in Ryker's boots in the fire to make sure it would be hot enough to burn the veins and stop the blood flow. You slowly and carefully removed the spine out of Ryker's side and quickly grabbed the dagger to do what you wanted to do to save his life.

It took you a while, but you succeeded into saving his life and wrapped him up in bandages. "Okay, that's that. Now we need to find something like a cave, buddy. Let's go quick." You hopped onto your dragon and searched the island. You found a suitable cave that was secluded and hidden, it was the perfect place for the two of you to hide in and let Ryker recover. You got back to him and dragged him to the cave. Or Jaynu did. You just hoped he would be able to pull through.

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