Hiccup Haddock

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You woke up after having slept like you haven't in years. You stretched out and yawned as you were to take it slow this morning, yet you wanted to see how Jaynu was feeling. You stepped out of bed and went to the stables to see him.

He was happily awaiting you and knocked you over, licking your face in his happy mood. You laughed as you were pinned to the ground by your dragon. "I'm glad you're doing better, buddy!" You petted him and scratched him behind the horns, the place he always loves when you scratch him. His dragon smile was too cute for you every time he did. And don't get yourself started about him happily tapping his foot up and down when you do that.

"Hey! You're awake. Hope you're feeling better." Hiccup stepped up to you with Toothless by his side. "Oh, my Gods." You breathed out as soon as you realized what species Toothless was. "I've never seen a Night Fury before. I thought they were extinct." You said to him with honesty. "Well, we have never seen another Night Fury either, but we really hope there might be one somewhere out there." He told you as he gave Toothless a scratch on his head.

You were eager to meet Toothless, but were holding back as you didn't know if you could just pet him or not. "Go ahead! Toothless loves to be patted, don't you bud?" Hiccup teased his friend and the dragon gave a stubbornish answer and humbly looked away.

You stepped closer and scratched his chin, his jaw dropping a little and his eyes obviously showing he likes it. He even tapped his foot when you moved on to scratch him in his neck. Hiccup chuckled at the sight of this.

"So, what did you have in mind for us today?" You asked as you turned back to Hiccup. "I was thinking of showing you the island. Fly around a bit, see what dragons live here and maybe interact with them. There are a lot of great places on this island that I know you will love if you want take some time to yourself. Ready to go?" He asked you and hopped onto Toothless. "Sure!" You replied to him and got onto Jaynu's neck to quickly take off to explore this island.

As the two of you were flying over the south side of the island, you saw a few small black dragons with a greenish glow on their backs. "Hiccup! What are those kind of dragons?" You asked as you wondered about them.

"Those are the Night Terrors. There are actually a lot of them on the island. When we first came here and Tuffnut found out about them, we didn't believe him at first, but as soon as we saw them, we thought they were one big dragon at first." He told you and left you confused. "Wait, what do you mean?" You asked.

"These dragons have the instinct to form a gigantic version of themselves as a defense mechanism. We keep them as sentries on the island, like an extra line of defense in case someone tries to sneak onto the island." He explained to you. "And not only that, they can also imitate the shapes of other species of dragon. Like my dad's Rumblehorn. They formed into Skullcrusher when my dad was visiting the island a while back." Hiccup smiled widely about it. You quickly looked down to the dragons quickly passing below you. This was something Ryker had to know about.

Out of the canopy, a little white dragon came flying up. It was the same species as the other Night Terrors. "Hey, why is this little guy white?" You wondered. "That is Smidvarg. He's the leader of all the Night Terrors." Hiccup explained to you while hovering in the air and turned himself to the little dragon. "Hey, Smidvarg! Wanna demonstrate your giant form?" Hiccup asked and the little white dragon flew off, only to call out all other Night Terrors.

They formed themselves into one big Night Terror and it sure looked impressive to you. "Wow!" You were quite amazed by it. "Pretty cool, huh? Let's move on, there's so much more I wanna show you." Hiccup said to you and flew off.

After a while of flying and Hiccup showing you around the island, you came to the west side of the island. "Is it just me or do you not have any defense on this part of the island? I don't see any watch towers or dragon sentry towers." You noticed as you flew past it all. "Yeah, we're planning on building some towers over here, but we are quite busy taking on the Hunters that we don't have much time to do so." He shrugged about it.

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