Burning Up

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A full day had passed and Ryker was still not awake. You were worried about him and hoped he would be waking up soon. The sooner, the better.

You had already scouted the area in search for food and had found some useful herbs and flowers that could help Ryker heal up faster. You also found fruits like a few different kinds of berries, you had found a stream with a good supply of fish and you had also seen some wildlife walking around these woods.

"Jaynu! Can you take this back to the cave for me?" You asked your dragon when you came across a good looking log and you knew how to make a bow out of it. Having a bow would make hunting certainly a lot easier. Jaynu grabbed the log in his mouth and walked back to the cave, waiting for you to follow. "You go already, I'll be looking if I can make some more hunting tools and see if I can find some sticks to make arrows out of them." You told your dragon as you continued your search.

After a few hours, you came back to the cave and noticed Ryker was slowly waking up. He was grunting softly and seemed to feel the pain of his injury. You came closer to him and sat down next to him, making a cup of water ready for him to drink immediately.

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what was going on right now. "Here. Drink." You helped him up a little and supported him while you place the cup against his lips. He eagerly took a few sips and smiled at you when he realized you were there with him. "Thank you." He whispered.

"No, I should thank you." You told him. "Why?" He spoke softly as he tried to sit himself up. He felt a shot of pain rush through his body, but he quickly found out about the bandages around his body. "You did this for me?" His eyes were filled with something you couldn't place. Was it disbelief? Appreciation? Or what it something else? Something that would go way deeper than this?

"I did. It was a close call, but I managed to stop the bleeding and stitch you up. It wasn't much." You shrugged about it, but Ryker certainly didn't feel like that. "Are you crazy? You saved my life! And a Grimborn always repays their debts." He spoke to you and he held his hand on your back. 

"You are not in debt with me. I did what I had to do." You resisted to what he said. "Yes, I am. You saved my life and I really appreciate you got me out of there. No matter what, I will be here for you and I will help you out with anything." He said to you and wanted to pull you closer to him, but you pushed yourself away from him and walked out of the cave.

You returned after a while and saw that Ryker wasn't feeling well. "Ryker..." You quickly got to his side. He looked at you with a lot of difficulty and was breathing heavily through his mouth. "Are you okay?" You asked him worried. "I don't know. I..." He started to cough badly, hurting his wound. 

You placed your hand on his forehead and felt he was glowing. "Ryker, you're burning up! You're sick!" You immediately got to work to see if there was anything you could use to bring the fever down. "How can it be that I am getting sick so soon after all of this?" He wondered. "You probably already had something coming up, but with the recent events, it could be that this would have quickened your sickness." You explained to him and he only became more lifeless.

You know you had seen some wild vegetables somewhere along the way when you flew off from the fight two days ago. "Ryker, I have to get some stuff for you, but I have to leave the island. You will be alone for a while, but I will be back as soon as I can, okay?" You held your hand on his shoulder real quick, but he was getting too weak to reply to you. You ran outside and grabbed anything you could stuff those veggies in for your journey. "Come on, buddy! We have to hurry." You jumped onto Jaynu's back and the two of you flew off.

You remembered that you were flying for about an hour when you escaped the fight with the Riders, so it shouldn't be too far away from where you were. Quickly, you saw the island you had seen the required ingredients on. "There! Land on that island, buddy." You pointed down to the island and Jaynu set in his descend.

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