Night Patrol

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"Alright, guys. Get around, please." Hiccup said the following evening as you were enjoying your dinner. He laid a map down on the table of the area around Dragon's Edge and pointed something out to the group.

"Over the last few days, I have spotted Dragon Hunter ships around the island. They are scouting and keeping an eye on us, and I have the suspicion they are out to find [y/n]. I want night patrol every night. We will take turns every night and we need to secure the island every night. Toothless and I will take the first shift. Who wants to take tomorrow's shift?" Hiccup asked the group.

"I will go!" You called out to the group. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, they might be after you and Jaynu." Astrid pointed out to you. "I'm not afraid of these guys anymore. I've spent a few days with you by now, and the day with you Astrid, I've had my battle skills boosted and I'm confident that if I ever encounter them, I can take them on." You said with confidence.

"Okay, but I still wouldn't let you go out alone on your first night patrol. Why won't you come along with someone for tomorrow night and then take a shift alone?" Hiccup offered you. "She can come with me!" Snotlout called out to the group. "I think it's better if she comes with me." Astrid told Snotlout being not impressed at all.

"[Y/n], what do you think?" Hiccup asked you. "To be honest with you, I would like to go with someone I've spent a day with already. So, Astrid might be a good option, in my opinion. And I have to admit that I might have been a little overenthusiastic with my call just now. I don't quite know what areas on the island have to be patrolled." You explained your thoughts about it.

"Alright, that is settled then! Rest up for the next few days, gang. We have to be ready for anything that is to come." Hiccup rolled up the map and walked outside to hop on Toothless and go on patrol for tonight.

You rested up for the next evening and met up with Astrid at the clubhouse. "Ready?" She smiled at you. "I am, just a little nervous. This is my first night patrol." You folded your arms and pressed them firmly against your body. "Relax. You'll do fine, it's not that special. Just make sure you stay clear from those ships as we go." She hopped on Stormfly and stepped to the platform, ready to take off. You followed her example and hopped onto Jaynu's neck, quickly following behind her.

The two of you were flying past a few hot spots where Hiccup told you where Hunters would be on the lookout with large numbers. "So, what did Ryker say he wanted to do to Jaynu?" Astrid broke the silence that was between you since you left the base. "He wanted to kill and skin Jaynu because, and I quote, 'this dragon would bring a fortune on the open markets'." You could get mad at him again for saying something like that.

"That's awful! Just because Jaynu is a dragon that is not commonly found in the Archipelago?" She looked for confirmation within you. "Yep..." You said a little down until you heard something not far from you.

"You heard that?" You asked Astrid quickly. "What did you hear?" She asked you, trying to hear the same thing as you did. "I heard male voices not far from here." You told her and soon she heard it too. "Wanna send a message to them?" Astrid asked you with a little mischief. "You bet!" You answered her and the two of you dived down.

You quickly found a few men sitting around a campfire laughing and telling each other stories. Astrid led the attack with Stormfly confusing them and sending them on a run with her magnesium blast and her spines. You didn't hold back and let Jaynu fire a little closer to the beach where the sea meets the ocean.

The Hunters were sent to the ground with probably a good case of the headaches as you flew back. "Wooh! That was a rush, don't you think?" Astrid cracked her knuckles as she enjoyed the little combat you just had. "That was kinda fun, I have to admit." You were basically enjoying giving payback to these Hunters that had shot you down before.

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