The Great Escape, But...

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You woke up in a cell with wooden walls and a green steel door. You pushed yourself up and immediately felt a burning sensation down there. You groaned in pain as you sat up, trying to remember what had happened before you passed out, but you couldn't remember anything that could've caused this burning pain.

"You're awake!" You heard Ryker say from a few cells further into the corridor. "Ryker, what happened? Where are we?" You asked him a little scared. "We are back on the ship, Viggo is taking us back to the island. He is not happy with me at this point." Ryker's voice was quite down and sad.

"Ryker, what happened to me while I was out? I'm having a burning amd painful feeling down there..." You asked him. "The men did unspeakable things to you while you were out. I tried to help you out, but Viggo didn't let me. He threw me in this cell while he let the men..." He stopped in the middle of his sentence, but you could fill in the rest.

"How many of them did that to me?" You asked shocked. "A few, unfortunately. I did make Viggo prevent them from sticking their cocks into you, they were only allowed to use their fingers on you. Still, I feel so bad I wasn't able to defend you." You heard he let himself down. "You tried." You tried to comfort him, but he was too disappointed in himself. "Not hard enough..." He sighed out and you were broken to hear him like this.

You decided to grab your clothes that were further down into the cell and get yourself into them. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better, sweetie?" You gave him a nickname for the first time in your relationship, hoping it would make him feel better. "Are you sure I am just that after..." He wanted to continue his self-blame, but you were getting tired of it.

"Stop! Just... Listen to me..." You told him and he was all ears all of a sudden. "You have tried to prevent them doing that to me. I am glad I was out, or else I would've been so scared and I would probably be in more pain for resisting to them. They might even have beaten me again with that whip if I did." You said to him and somehow you felt your words made him feel better. You even heard him scuff out a small laugh.

"I do have to compliment you on tricking Viggo the way you did. Scream into his ear? Brilliant move." He sounded proud of you. You giggled about it as it did feel good to do that. "Thanks. Was quite funny to do indeed." You said to him. "Was it really?" You heard another voice speak up from down the corridor and you immediately swallowed thickly. "Viggo, don't hurt her." Ryker warned his brother again and you heard Ryker trying to get the cell doors open.

Viggo came standing in front of your cell with his arms behind his back. "I do have to say that your action did catch me off guard, my compliments for that, but I will not let you go with it without punishment." He looked so cold out of his eyes. "You already punished her with your beating, Viggo. Leave her alone!" Ryker shouted from his cell.

With a snap in his fingers, Viggo ordered a Hunter to open up the door and drag you out. Viggo surely wasn't gentle with you the way Ryker is with you. His nails dug firmly into the skin of your arm and he dragged you with him until you were in front of Ryker's cell.

He lightened up the moment he saw you and you felt better seeing him. "What is it with the two of you? This is ridiculous behavior of both of you." Viggo complained. "It is not." You contradicted to him. "We're in love." You told his as you tried to get yourself free from his grip.

Viggo just laughed at it. "That is the funniest thing I have heard all month. Don't try to fool me with this nonsense." He complained about it. "It is not a lie, Viggo. I love [y/n] beyond anything. She has saved my life and I intend to spend my life with her." Ryker told his brother with honesty.

"You can't love a woman while being at work, Ryker. No matter if you say you love her or not, I will not allow it. So Ryker, I'm giving you the choice. Refuse her love and come back with me to the island, let us work together as we always have done and you will keep your position as second-in-command or love her and become an enemy to your tribe." Viggo warned his older brother.

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