New Land, New Future

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It had been a few hours that you were flying and you and Ryker couldn't stop cuddling with each other. He held you in his arms while you rested you head on his shoulder. You shared a few kisses every now and then, but there was something about Ryker's behavior that told you something was off.

"You okay, sweetie?" You asked him. He sighed out deep as he told you everything in honesty. "It is quite hard to realize the force and violence my own brother tried to put on me to keep me with him. I never would have expected that from him. He tortured me when he realized my heart belongs to you now and he wanted to break that, take it away from me. Take me away from you." He tightened his grip on you and placed a kiss on your head.

You showed him that you were there for him by holding his hand in yours. "You know? There is still that thing I have to tell you." You gently brought it up to you. Ryker smiled at you. "Right. What did you have to tell me, my dearest?" He held his arms around you and was really curious to what you had to tell him.

You brought his hand you still held in yours to your belly. Ryker's face brightened up thinking of the message you just told him. "Are you...?" He asked in anticipation. You nodded to him and immediately felt his arms tight around you. "This is great news, my love! How long did you know?" He was breathless about the news. "Maybe a little over a week? I don't quite remember anymore because of everything that has happened over the last week." You apologized to him.

"Don't worry, I don't blame you. What Viggo has done to both of us has been awful and I don't think I can ever forgive him for that." He looked away from you. You took his hand in yours again and looked him in the eyes. "All of that is behind us now. We are together again and that is what counts." You reminded him.

He laid his hand on your belly again and smiled. "Yes, we are and soon, it won't be just the two of us anymore. We will welcome our child and we will spoil it with love. I hope that, if we get a daughter, she will be as beautiful as her mother." Ryker teased you with tapping your nose. "If we're having a boy, then I hope he'll be as strong, kind and sweet as his father." You played it back to him.

"We'll see. Right now, we need to find ourselves some land where we can settle and raise our child." Ryker held you close to him and kissed your head as you leaned your head on his shoulder again. You closed your eyes, enjoying the thought of being with him and feel his arms around you.

You had flown for two days straight when you saw land come into sight. "Ryker, look!" You said to him with a cheer. A smile appeared on Ryker's face as the relief of seeing land filled his eyes. "Finally we come across new lands. Let's land there and rest up. I think Jaynu has earned it." Ryker patted Jaynu's shoulder as he felt Jaynu was growing tired.

An hour later, the three of you landed and you immediately went to look for anything edible. You came to a hill where you had the most beautiful sight. All around you were large forests, wide rivers that should provide you with enough fish and mountains that shielded the area off from the outside world.

 All around you were large forests, wide rivers that should provide you with enough fish and mountains that shielded the area off from the outside world

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