Snotlout Jorgenson

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You flew back to the Edge as fast as you could to make sure you would not be suspicious to the Riders. You wanted to make sure they don't know you left the island to meet up with Ryker. The way Ryker had given you his trust and attention made you think differently about him. He showed you he could actually care about someone, instead of being a heartless brute.

You saw Dragon's Edge come back in sight. "We're almost there, buddy." You told him, but saw light coming from the clubhouse. "Crap! Someone's already awake. We need to think of a way to make up an excuse." You thought to yourself and tried to think of a way to deceive them when Jaynu was ahead of you.

He started to hop violently in the air and threw you into the cold ocean water. "Jaynu!" You screamed out to him as soon as you got your head above water. He just laughed at you while you looked up to him being angry at him. "You better get me out, right now." You warned him and he picked you up, tossing you onto his back again.

You got back to the Edge and came past Hiccup. "Hey! How was your... How are you all soaked?" He noticed your clothes were still dripping water. "Jaynu thought it was funny to throw me in the ocean at this time of the day..." You shot a venomous look at Jaynu, who was not impressed by your anger.

Hiccup gave a little nervous laugh as he saw you were shaking. "Why don't you go sit around the fire and warm up? Looks like you could use that." He signed you to the fire in the clubhouse. You gladly sat down and held your hands out to take in as much heat of the fire as you could.

"Would you like some breakfast? We can discuss your patrol then." Hiccup offered you. "Yes, I would like that. Thanks." You answered him and he left to get you some food.

"Hey, babe! How's it going?" Snotlout came to you as you were waiting for Hiccup to return. "I'm cold and tired, but furthermore I'm okay." You tried to keep your distance, but Snotlout didn't know anything about personal space as he kept coming closer to you.

"I can warm you up in no time." He spread his arms and wanted to hold you in a hug, but you didn't wanted it. "I don't need..." You wanted to say, but he interrupted you and hugged you anyway. "Of course, you do need me. Come here!"

You tried to get out of his grip, but he was too strong for you. He had you in a lock and you wanted him to leave you alone. You tried to push yourself away from him, but it was no use. Until...

"Snotlout!" You heard Hiccup yell at him. "Let her go! You can see she doesn't want you to do this. Or have you gone blind?" He taunted the buff and foolish boy. Snotlout let you go and grew to be grumpy as he crossed his arms and looked away.

Hiccup sat down next to you and handed you your breakfast. "So, how was your first night patrol on your own?" Hiccup showed you his interest. "It was good and quiet. I think, after last night's message, the Hunters have decided not to camp out on the island anymore." You told him as you took a bite from your bread. "That's a good sign." Hiccup was relieved your brought the message.

"So, babe. Are you coming with me today?" Snotlout urged you to finally spend a day with him. "I would like to rest up first. It has been a long night." You made clear to him as he was pushing your boundaries again. "Sure, sure, do what you must. I'll be waiting." He smiled in a way that was just getting creepy to you.

You went to your hut and immediately crawled into your bed without first grabbing your journal. You were too tired after last night.

A few hours later and after some good sleep, you went back to the clubhouse and met up with the rest of the group. "Hey, you're awake again! How are you feeling?" Fishlegs welcomed you warmly.

"I'm okay. I just feel like my whole rhythm of the day is messed up right now." You held your head as you were still a little sleepy. "Ah, that's normal. You'll get used to it." Fishlegs shrugged it off as it was nothing.

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