Unexpected Allies

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You and Jaynu had flown east from where you were for over three hours and a particular island finally came into sight. "I hope they will not be too angry with us, bud. I kind of called this out on us, but we have no other choice right now. We need their help. If not, I'm not sure that Viggo guy will let Ryker live." You told your dragon, who only gave a soft purr as a reply.

You already saw a few dragons flying in the air and you knew it would be them. "Here we go. Better to try before giving up immediately." You were mentally preparing yourself for what was about to come.

"Hold it right there, missy." Snotlout came to you on Hookfang. "Yeah, what are you doing here that you came back?" Ruffnut's rough voice called out to you. "I need to talk to Hiccup. Is he around?" You asked humbly, trying to not put up a fight with these already angry teenagers.

"Forget it, [y/n]! He is just as mad at you as we are." Snotlout held his hand up to shut you. "Please, I need your help." You kept your voice down as you got a little shy for asking their help after what you've done. "Forget it! You have been working for the Hunters all along, so why do you even bother to come back?" Snotlout complained about it.

"It's about Ryker." You said and their faces turned to riddles. "His brother showed up and he took us prisoner. I could escape thanks to Jaynu, but Ryker is still on his way to their island to be prosecuted." You explained to them.

"Why do we care? It is Ryker we are talking about." Snotlout yelled out even louder. "I will explain everything if you let me talk to everyone!" You lost your patience with them. Time was running out for Ryker. "Fine." Snotlout grunted and turned around to head to the Edge.

The four of you walked over to the clubhouse while Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs were already alerted about your arrival. "Wait here." Snotlout commanded you and walked off. You decided you would listen to him, only for this once, and sit down, waiting for the rest of the gang to join and face you.

It took the group a while to meet up, but they got together with you at the clubhouse. They were all not happy to see you, even Hiccup was angry.

"So, why did you come back after you betrayed us?" Astrid started. "I need your help." You said while avoiding anyone's look, trying to look vulnerable. "Help with what exactly?" Fishlegs asked and Snotlout filled it in for the group. "She asks our help in freeing Ryker after Viggo captured him and her." He complained and crossed his arms.

"Why would you free the guy who took you captured?" Astrid asked confused and riddled. "It's complicated, but I need to free him from his brother's fury. That Viggo guy really was mad with him." You were so worried Viggo might do something to Ryker.

"So Viggo is going to take down his own brother, who cares?" Snotlout complained and shrugged. "I DO!" You screamed out loud. The group was stunned by your sudden fall out, but you had to make clear to them that this was important to you. "Why do you care about him?" Ruff asked not that interested. "It's because I love him!" You got it out quickly and waited for their reaction.

"But that still doesn't explain why you disappeared for weeks." Hiccup wanted to know. "Well, someone in this group injured him badly..." You shot your glare to Astrid, who went into full defense. "Hey, it was the plan to take him down!" She called out to you. "But not hurt or kill him! He barely made it through and I had to tend to him a lot to get him back on his feet." You complained.

The group shared some looks with each other, but they came out to a verdict without speaking at all. "I'm sorry, but what you have done is something we cannot forgive. We won't help you." Hiccup pointed to you and got up to leave, but you needed their help desperately. Alone you wouldn't be able to rescue Ryker, so you told them something Ryker should be the first one to hear.

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