Mission Practice

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You were not even close of wanting to wake up when you felt a few drops of whatever falling into your face. You opened one eye just a little to see a blue-greyish blur as you were not awake at all, but you could make out who it was.

"Ew, Jaynu!" You spurted up from your bed when you realized it was his drool dripping down on your face. Your dragon had poked his head through a windowsill and had his tongue hanging out of his mouth watching you. "Rise and shine!" You heard someone shout to you from outside. Then there was some banging on the door. "Come on, lazy bum! It's time to get epic today!" Obviously the twins had continued to wake you up.

You walked over to the door and opened up, rubbing your eyes. "Getting epic for what?" You asked still being sleepy. "Hiccup wants to run a practice mission for when we are going to blast Ryker's fleet to oblivion." Tuffnut told you and ran off to head to the clubhouse. You jumped on Jaynu's neck and followed them close behind.

You yawned in deep when you arrived with the others. "This better be something of importance, because I was not ready to wake up yet." You complained walking in. The others turned around seeing you walk in. "Well, you sure like to take your time waking up." Astrid joked with you as she crossed her arms. "I am no morning person." You answered her.

"But there was something about a practice mission the twins mentioned?" You asked curiously. "Yes, yes! We have set up a few targets on and around the island, including boats in the water. We've got a few vials filled with Monstrous Nightmare gel to act as an added source of fire. Light it up with the flint and drop it onto the deck of the Hunters ships." Hiccup said and handed you a piece of flint.

"Shouldn't be too hard." You shrugged at this mission. "You better watch out with your courage! It can be hard to hit those boats when you're flying at high speed." Astrid tried to push your brakes a little. "I'm used to doing tough things and I am used to more than you can ever understand." You told her.

"Things like...?" Snotlout sounded like he didn't believe you. "Flying at high altitude. So high that the air gets thin. You won't be able to breathe up there, but my lungs have adapted." You told him.

"Alright, guys, we need to focus. We'll spread out and go to each location on the map and fan out the area. You'll have to meet up with the others on a different location when you have completed the assignment at your specific area, okay?" Hiccup explained the training mission to you.

"Hiccup, why do we even care of trying this?" Snotlout complained about it. "Because there are Hunter ships still scouting everywhere around our island, especially after dark. We have to be prepared to take action before they strike first. That's why we are going to practice this attack." Hiccup made clear to Snotlout. Hiccup walked out to get last preparations done for the exercise.

You turned back to Astrid. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" You asked her and you went to a separate part of the room. "I'm not sure I can do this..." Your voice showed doubt. "What are you talking about? Of course, you can do this." She encouraged you to get on with this mission.

"I just don't think I will be a good addition to the team this way." You kept on rambling doubts her way. "Why are you doubting yourself? You'll be a great addition to the team. I've heard what kind of firepower your dragon has and we've got your back. Nothing will go wrong." She held her hand on your shoulder in a show of support. You smiled hesitantly, but still felt the same.

Night was falling slowly and the group was enjoying some dinner in the clubhouse. They joked about a lot, stories were told and preparations were made. "So, who is going to which part of the island?" Hiccup asked everyone in the group.

"I'll go south." Astrid said. "We'll go west." The twins called out. "Great, team up with someone." Hiccup told them. "Shall I go with you, Astrid?" Fishlegs offered. "Sure!" Astrid replied. "So that will mean Snotlout will go with the twins." Hiccup made the call. "Why can't I go with [y/n]? She obviously will need my protection for this drill." Snotlout got all slimy about you.

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