Undercover Work

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It was a few short moment of flying for the two of you after you left Ryker's ship to do what he ordered you to do. You thought back to what had happened in the three days that you were captured and neglected for your need of food and water. That Ryker guy sure is one you just wish you would've stayed away from.

As the two of you were gliding through the skies, Jaynu gave you a sign by snorting at you. "What is it, bud?" You asked him and he replied with a low whimper. "I know you are tired and hungry, but so am I. We need to keep flying for now until we arrive at the base of those Riders. Then we can rest and fill our tummies with food, I hope at least." You tried to comfort him, but you noticed he was getting weaker while flying.

He was panting heavily, his wing flaps weren't as powerful as usual and he was so much slower than he normally is. You started to worry about him, not knowing if he would be able to make it to the Riders' base until you saw an island with some buildings appear on the horizon.

You squeezed your eyes to make sure you were seeing this correctly and you quickly knew well enough you were close to it. "That's the base, buddy! Hold on a little longer and we will be able to rest up. For me?" You begged your dragon and you saw in his eyes that he was putting everything into this to make sure you would be able to land on the ground.

As you were approaching a wooden platform, Jaynu's energy was up and he crashed down towards the platform that was attached to a large building. You screamed out as you both were plummeting from big altitude and you were thrown off when Jaynu hit the planks.

You held your hand on your head as you tried to make sense of everything after the impact you just made when Jaynu came back to your mind. "Jaynu! Are you okay?" You were worried about him as his energy was completely drained. You ran back to his side to show him you were there for him. "Hold on, boy. You'll be fine." You said and held his head on your lap when a blond haired girl with a double bladed axe walked up to you. 

"Who are you? What are you doing on our base?" She held her axe up to you and she clearly did not trust you. "What is going on here?" A few other teens came running your way, including a one-legged boy with auburn colored hair. "Please, my dragon is not doing good. I beg you, help him." You were so worried about your dragon that this was not even putting up an act.

"What happened to you?" The boy crouched down to you and stroked Jaynu's head to see how he was doing. "We had to escape from some awful people out at sea and Jaynu used all of his energy to get away." You told him and he got to action immediately. 

"Ruff, Tuff, make sure there is a pen in the stables ready for this dragon to rest in. Fishlegs, Astrid, help me get this dragon inside. Snotlout, get a basket full of fish to the stables, this dragon needs to regain its strength. What kind of fish does your dragon like?" He asked you. "Jaynu likes salmon, cod, trout, but a halibut is a real treat to him." You explained to him and the group went to work immediately.

"But Hiccup..." The blond girl wanted to object to all of this, but the boy urged her to do what he said and quickly. "Astrid, please. We don't have much time. This dragon needs our help right now. We have to act fast. After that we can ask her about what happened to her." He pointed out to her. The girl named Astrid sighed out annoyed, but helped you with getting Jaynu into the stables.

The four of you struggled to get Jaynu inside and it took you a while, but you managed to get him in the pen that was quickly prepared for him. "You're going to be okay, boy." You said to him as you left him to rest in his pen. You saw that boy, Snotlout you believe his name was, dragging a large basket of fish towards Jaynu's pen and emptied it in front of his face. Jaynu had no idea how quickly he had to dive into this meal as his hunger had grown to abnormal proportions.

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