Careless Flight, Until...

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Gliding peacefully, you and your dragon Jaynu enjoyed another trip to explore a new area of the world. You have been together with him for many years and you have become a great team. Jaynu is a Silver Phantom, a dragon that is not seen much throughout the world and everywhere you come, people are amazed by this big, but gentle creature.

Jaynu has a light grey body with blue diamond-forked wings. You estimated him to be about three years younger than yourself. You met him as a teen dragon after a big storm. He was hurt and you took care of him until he could be released back into the wild, but when he was ready, he didn't want to leave your side. You have been the best friends ever since.

As you were gliding through the sky with a bunch of Timberjacks, Jaynu gave you a little purr. "You getting hungry, buddy?" You asked him. Jaynu answered you with a happy hop and his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "Alright, let's get ourselves some fish then. Let's go." You told him.

The two of you had to descend from 2,500 meters above sea level, where the air is thin. Because you spent so many years with Jaynu flying at such high altitude, you had become used to it. You got yourself into position for your friend to take a dive towards the sea. Lying down flat on his back and holding on to his neck, you gave him the signal. "Alright, buddy! Let's go!"

Jaynu heard your call and folded his wings together for a power dive. The speed he flew with made your cheeks flutter and you loved every bit of it. The thrill, the speed, the excitement! You couldn't get enough of it.

Approaching the blue seas quickly, Jaynu opened his wings and let the water splash up behind you. "Wooh! That was a great dive you did there, bud!" You laughed out as you rolled over to your back to look up to the group of Timberjacks you just left behind. Jaynu quickly looked at you and smiled in his dragony way.

You looked up to him and you just laughed at his silly face. "Okay, okay! Let's catch some fish. I'm sure there have to be some salmon or trout over here." You looked down to the water beneath you to see if you could spot anything there. You only saw your own reflection, but you hoped you could spot at least something in the water. "Where are they?" You asked yourself out loud. Once Jaynu heard your thinking, he got so excited that he kept on hopping in the air.

"Woah, bud! Careful! I almost fell off." You held on to the spines on his back to prevent yourself from falling into the ocean. Jaynu laughed at you and calmed himself down to glide over the ocean surface peacefully again. "If you want, you can try to scoop some fish out of the ocean." You gave him permission to start collecting fish for the two of you.

He opened his mouth and skimmed over the seas, grabbing anything that would get trapped in his mouth. He quickly found a hot spot of a large school of fish and kept on going until his belly was nearly full.

You just laid on your back with your hands under your head and your eyes closed, enjoying every bit of this journey you were making together. You were startled out of it as Jaynu tossed a seabass your way and it landed on your stomach. "Thanks, bud." You said a little annoyed, but at the same time you had to fight to hold your laugh.

You got up and wanted to get your knife out to cut this fish to edible pieces until you heard a scream. "Fire!"

You were caught out of your thoughts as arrows were flying your way and you had to get back to Jaynu's side. "We have to get out of here." You tossed the seabass to the side and got onto Jaynu's neck grabbing him by his horns, holding on tight to him. Jaynu tried to get to the air, but was hit with an arrow in his side.

He roared as the arrow pierced his flesh and quickly lost control over his ability to fly. "No, come on! Wake up!" You held on to his neck as you quickly fell from the sky, plummeting towards the cold ocean waters.

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