Sister Y.B

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My sister is always flirting with my girlfriend y/and it never stops. I mean I could see it you joking around and stuff but to flirt with her it makes me mad.

I had ,had about enough and pulled Nat away from my girlfriend and in a separate room. "What do you think your doing Natalia" I asked her angrily. "What do you mean Lena I'm only having fun" she replied.

"Your definition of fun is to flirt with your sisters girlfriend" I implied.

"Your making her uncomfortable and your making me angry at you" I explained to her as she just rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm serious Nat stop flirting and being all touchy with my girlfriend" I asked for the lsat time. "Okay I'll stop" she replied.

She left to do something else and me and y/n were laying on the couch watching y/n's favorite tv show Friends.

Y/n was about to fall asleep but Nat and Wanda walked in arguing over who y/n choose. "Can y'all argue somewhere else y/n is trying to sleep" I asked nicely.

They looked over at me and said "Lena do you think y/n would choose me or Wanda?" Natasha asked me and obviously I said "neither because she won't be choosing anyone but me."

"Your no fun Yelena" Wanda said leaving the room.
"Hey Nat why don't you go hook up with Wanda so me and my girlfriend can live in peace for once in our lives."

Nat left so I took y/n to our room and laid down but it turned into a make out cession. It was interrupted by Nat and Wanda picking y/n up and taking her out of the room. "Yelena Belova Get Your Friends to Put Me Down Right Now Before I Do It Myself And It Will Not Be Pretty."

I ran after y/n and made them put her down. "I hope you guys know I just saved your lives" I told them and they just rolled their eyes back at me.

Me and y/n left to go back to our room and finished off where we were at. Before it got too heated Natasha walked in again separating me and y/n apart because she climbed in between us.

"Natalia get out" y/n shouted and she got up and pouted as she exited the room.

Y/n later on fell asleep so I got up to do some things around the compound and finish my files. As I entered the kitchen Natasha was making her a drink and she said "you know what she's even hotter when she's asleep" and Wanda agreed saying " I think so too."

"Will you two quit flirting with my girlfriend who clearly doesn't want you. If your that interested in the same thing maybe you guys have a lot more in common than you think and you guys should get together to save us all the trouble" I shouted at them and y/n walked in with sleepy eyes saying "I agree with Lena , I don't like either of you more than friends and I think you both would be a great couple."

She grabbed a drink and then gave me a kiss then headed back to our room. "Did she just do that on purpose" Nat asked and I replied "told you so Natasha she doesn't want to be anything more than friends and I'm going back to my room where my beautiful girlfriend is and I want to be alone with her without any interruptions" I walked off and left heading to lay down with y/n.

AN: sorry if it too short I'm just think of things to right and I didn't know what to write about

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