Secret Wife Y.B

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I was on a mission with Natasha. It was a simple mission get in and get out. I made it in past the guards. "Remember Yelena go in and grab the drive and then rush back out" Natasha said over the coms.

"Yeah I know" I said walking into the room. A guard tried tase me. I blocked his attempt to stop me, I then punched him knocking him back. I ran for the drive and grabbed it, but was stabbed in the leg with a knife.

"Oh fucking hell that hurts" I said grabbing his taser from him and then tasing him with it. "Nat I've been stabbed" I said through the coms. "Rush to the jet" she responded, so I took that as a hint to run. I rushed through the halls of the building with my leg bleeding out limping.

Nat helped into the jet and helped me sit down. "That doesn't look to good Yelena" she looked up towards me. "Thanks for letting me know" I said sarcastically. "I'll tell Bruce to get set up" she said and I immediately shook my head. "No, I don't want to go to Bruce, I want y/n" I held my leg.

"Lena, they don't know about y/n. I thought you wanted to keep it that way" Natasha questioned. "Bruce gave me this big needle last time, I can't go through that again, I want y/n" I urged Natasha.

"Okay I'll call her" Natasha said walking to grab her phone.

I was currently at the hospital on my break. I get a call. "Hello" I said taking a bite of my apple. "Hey
y/n it's Nat, don't freak out but Yelena got stabbed in the leg on a mission and she does lot want Bruce to fix it, she wants you" I laughed at Yelena in the background. "Let me guess she's being stubborn" I said taking another bite of my apple.

"Yep, I tried to reason with her but she won't change her mind" Nat said taking a deep breath. "Okay I'm on my way" I said hanging up the phone.


Natasha helped me into the compound and sat me in a little medical room to the side. "Y/n will be here any second okay quit being a baby" Nat said trying to be funny. "You didn't get a knife drove through your leg" I said squinting in pain.

"You better be glad I love y/n or I would kill you. You wouldn't be hurting right now if you would have just let Bruce help you, instead you drag your wife out of work to come help you" Natasha yelled.

I have to admit I'm nervous about y/n meeting the others. "I'm telling you that needle was bad and I'm not going through that again" I said crossing my arms when y/n walked in. The tanned green eyed brunette giving Natasha a hug before coming over to me.

"You know Bruce could have done the same thing I'm about to do" she said getting her supplies ready.

"I'm not getting stuck with what ever kind of needle that was again, plus I get to see you so win win for me" y/n smile and rolled her eyes.

"Leg up" she said sternly going full doctor mode. "I'm going to stitch this up and it might sting a little" she said before sticking the cold needle to my leg and stitching up the wound.

Once she was done she cleaned it and then wrapped it. "There all better, now I have to get back to the hospital I have work to do" she said standing up and giving me a kiss. "Wait let me walk you out" I said standing up.

While we were walking through the main floor, everyone noticed y/n. "Hey who are you, you know I could maybe show you a couple of moves you know show you what a mission would go like" Bucky said coming up to y/n.

I went to go after Bucky, but Natasha held me back. "Hi I'm y/n nice to meet you" she shook his hand and all the avengers looked confused. "Umm Lena baby I love you but I really have to go" y/n turned to me.

"Baby" tony questioned. "Yeah I'm about that, everyone this is y/n, y/n Belova my wife" I said and they all gasped. "What wait when and how" Steve asked.

"We met before I became an avenger and I kept our relationship hidden because y/n would then be put under risk" I explained. "So what changed your mind" Wanda asked. "Well Bruce did, no hate Bruce but your needle sucks and since y/n is a doctor I called her" I explained again. "Speaking of me being a doctor and all I have to get back to work I'll see you later, yeah" y/n came over and laid a kiss on the corner of my lips.

"It was nice meeting you all" she said smiling before walking out.

"Not to be rude or anything Yelena but she's a hot doctor"Sam said sitting beside Bucky. "Sorry buds but she's mine" I sternly Sid to both of them.

"I would've never guessed that you had a wife, you always seem so lonely and grumpy" tony said. "I am not grumpy I just don't like being around you guys, I do like being around y/n" I said walking out.

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