Enough love Y.B

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I had been cheated on. The worse feeling in the world. After a long mission, I walked into the compound tired, sad, angry, and not wanting to talk with anyone.

I snuck my way to my room hoping no one noticed me. I laid my stuff down and went to take a shower to get the dirt and grime off of me.

After the shower, I put on night clothes and sat on my bed. I looked at my self in my mirror that sat in front of me. Was I not pretty enough for him. Did I not show enough love. I know I was busy, but when I did have time I would make the most of it.

A knock at my door forced me out of my thoughts. I walked up to the door and cracked it slightly because I wasn't feeling company right now.

"What do you want" I said tiredly. "Umm I was coming to see what you were doing" Yelena said wondering why I wouldn't let her in. I always let Yelena in my room, she was my best friend.

"I'm going to sleep okay" I shut the door in her face.

I hated doing that, but I didn't want to talk to anybody.

I watched as y/n dragged her body to her room. I could tell she was tired, but it felt like something else was wrong and me being her best friend I wanted to go check on her.

I walked towards her room and knocked on the door. She cracked the door open. "What do you want" she answered tiredly. After the conversation she shut the door in my face. Y/n never pushes me away.

It was the next day and y/n hadn't came out of her room. Usually she's up bright and early already in the training room with Nat, but she wasn't.

"Have any of you spoke with y/n. She seems a little off" I asked the avengers. "No I haven't but it is a little weird she wasn't in the training room this morning" Natasha explained.

"Maybe she is just tired from her mission in Paris" Steve noted. "Yeah, but something doesn't seem right" I told them. "Maybe something happened in Paris that we don't know about" tony said giving me a idea.

Y/n's boyfriend had a job in Paris for a interview. She was down there the same time he was. "Thank you Tony" I ran to her room and knocked on her door.

She opened the door and was already dressed. "Hey, Umm I was wondering what you were doing in here. It's not like you to you know stay in your room in the morning."

I squinted my eyes. "I'm okay" she said. It was lie, I know when y/n lies and she was doing it. "So where's Kai, did you get to spend time with him in London" I watched as her expression changed and her emotions began to show.

"I wouldn't say that I did spend time with him" she said not telling the whole truth. "What happened" I questioned her. "Yelena nothing happened" she lied straight through her teeth.

"Your lying to me y/n. I can tell when you lie." I told her and she took a deep breath. "He, he cheated on me" she finally let out. "I was trying to get brief case from the boss and I saw him sticking his tongue down another woman's throat" she stated sadly. "I'll kill him" I told her beginning to walk away. She grabbed my hand. "Can you just stay here with me for a little bit" she asked softly. "Sure" I walked in her room and shut the door.

She laid on top of me, putting her head on my chest.

My stomach began to feel weird. It had been doing this a lot recently since y/n and I have gotten closer. I can never figure out why. I mean y/n is special to me, but is there something else my brain won't let my heart feel.

Y/n had fallen asleep. Her breathing had finally evened out. The sunshine through the window of her room shined brightly through, shinning onto her tanned skin. Her parted lips and her hair that was spread out on my chest made my heart flutter. Why do I feel like this? Me and her are just best friends, I know that, but the butterflies I get every time she comes around always seem to change my mind.

My eyes had grew heavy and I ended up falling asleep along with y/n.

I could hear a distant giggle, which stirred me awake. I squinted my eyes open to see Wanda and Natasha hovering over the two of us. I acted like I was asleep still, so I could hear what they were going to say. "Omg I can't believe it finally happened" Wanda said jumping up and down as quiet as she could. "I know right it's about time" Natasha agreed jumping up with her.

I opened my eyes in shock. "What are you two doing in here" I whisper yelled to them causing them jump in fear. "Will you two at least try to be quiet" I looked over at y/n to make sure she was still sleeping.

I looked back up at them confused because how did they know the way I felt about y/n. "Why are you taking pictures" I ask because I saw the phone in Wanda's hand. "Oh come on Yelena we all know you're in love with the latino girl" Natasha said whispering because if she woke up y/n I would kill her.(not literally) I looked over at Wanda to see if she felt the same. "Yeah it's pretty noticeable" she agreed.

I looked down at y/n admiring her beauty one more time before carefully moving from under her and walking out with Wanda and Natasha.

As soon as the door closed I looked at them with all seriousness. "Delete the photo and never say a word to y/n, I mean it" I told them but they just looked sad. "But I wanted to add this to the collection" Wanda said sadly. "Collection, why do you have a, you know what I'm not going to ask. Just don't tell her okay let me be the one" I asked them sincerely.

They agreed and I checked in y/n one more time before leaving to go to my room.

Would she really feel the same. I mean I know we are close, but y/n has only dated men. Even though it hurt, I always wanted her to be a happy even if it meant she loved someone else, romantically.

Y/n had slept the rest of the day and came into the kitchen when everyone was in the bed. "Hey" her raspy voice called out to me. I felt my heart tightening from her voice. It shocked me how much power she had over me. I would do anything for her. "Hey" I replied watching her walk towards the fridge.

"I can't believe I slept for that long" she chuckled grabbing a drink. "Yeah I didn't want to wake you and you needed the rest anyway" I added making a smile form on her face. The one thing I loved about her was her smile. Probably not as much as I love her eyes, but it was one of my favorite things.

"I wanted to thank you for earlier, but I fell asleep" she said sincerely. "No thanks needed. That's what friends are for" it hurt my heart to call her just a friend knowing I wanted to be more.

She sat her drink down and came up to me. I took a deep breath as she drew closer. She kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear causing my body to tingle.

"I'm in love with you too." She backed away from me and looked into my eyes. My knees grew weak. Her emerald eyes looked into mine. She began to walk away. "Y/n wait" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to me causing our bodies to press against each other. "Are you telling the truth" I asked and she just smiled. "I though you knew when I lied" she said smugly referring to what I said earlier today.

"Toche" I said agreeing with her response. "Then I hope you won't mind if I do this" I grabbed her face and pulled it to mine making out lips touch.

Her lips moved in a pleasant way. They fit perfectly with mine.

I heard screaming causing us to pull apart. I look over to see Natasha and Wanda jumping up and down like two little fan girls meeting their celebrity crush. "You guys have got to stop being nosy."

I looked at y/n and she was laughing. I finally got what my heart needed.

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