Forgotten Y.B

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I couldn't take it anymore. Yelena had moved on and I was stuck replaying the past through my mind. I was the one that was slowly losing myself. I was the one who hadn't moved on.

It was my fault she left. After I had hit my head, I lost my memory and our relationship slowly faded with it. One day it all came to me like a sudden light and I remembered everything, but it was too late. She had already moved on and I was stuck to regret my actions.

Yelena had walked in the room giggling and laughing with Sharon, her new girlfriend. Natasha sat beside me as I watched them go by. I huffed my breath and stood up to put my dish in the sink.

"Y/n you're never going to get better if you don't move on" Natasha had always encouraged me to find someone new. It was hard, the feelings I had for Yelena aren't so easy to just get rid of and I couldn't just move on. I understand why Yelena moved on, yet I hated the thought of it. I have cried myself to sleep at night just by thinking about the shared memories I had with Yelena.

"Natasha how many times do I have to tell you that I can't just move on, it's not that easy." It was like everywhere I was they followed. I was being haunted by them and it only made things worst. "Well it's always going to be hard if you never try."

I walked away not wanting to listen to Natasha anymore and went to my room. The pictures that were in my room were all of me and Yelena. I stood staring at them and I had finally seen them enough. I ripped them off the wall and threw them in the trash.

Tears flowed down my face as I tore them down. I truly loved Yelena and my whole world crumbled into pieces when she moved on. Sharon was a nice girl and she was everything and more. There's no way I could compete with her. She was beautiful with blonde hair, something I don't have. She is funny and has a similar humor as Yelena. They were perfect for each other and then there's me. I used to look up at Yelena with love, but now the look I once looked at Yelena with was now on Sharon's face.

I grabbed all Yelena's stuff and packed it up. If I was going to move on then I'd start by getting rid of all her belongings. I walked down to her room and knocked on her door. It took her a second to open the door, but she opened it. She looked down at the box. "I thought maybe I could give you all your things back, I don't need them anymore."

She wouldn't look me in the eye. I saw a bit of sadness in her eyes, but she took the box and closed the door. "Thank you."

I would hardly ever make eye contact with her anymore. I would do everything in my power to not make eye contact. I finished cleaning the room and went to the kitchen to take a break.

Yelena and Sharon walked in holding each their close. Sharon saw me and came over to where I was. "Hey y/n" she was so nice, too nice. "Hey" I didn't look up at her. "I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind" she gave a smile. "Ask away" I couldn't tell her no it felt rude. "Umm so Yelena is taking me out to eat and I don't know what I should wear." Did she seriously just ask me to help her wear and outfit on a date with my ex girlfriend.

"I think you should wear whatever suits you best" I gave a fake smile. "Thank you so much."

The audacity's of her asking me that question made me mad. She walked away and sat beside Yelena leaning against her. I swear she did everything on purpose just to rub it in my face.

The next day I was walking past the kitchen and heard Sharon and one of her coworkers talking. I then heard my name. "She's a bitch, I don't see what Yelena saw in her" Sharon told her colleague.

I walked in the room making them shut up real quick. "I heard my name." Sharon frozen up and said "maybe you're just hearing things."

"No I heard my name come out of your mouth" I pointed directly at her. "You're delusional y/n." She did not just call me delusional. "You better watch your mouth carter" I spit back with anger in my voice. Natasha and Yelena walked into the argument that was unfolding. "I don't know who you are talking to y/l/n but it's not me."

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