Really Y.B

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Me and y/n were sitting in our room on the bed watching tv. Natasha waked in and said " get up love birds it's time to go to the training room."

Y/n whined saying "but I don't want to go" and Natasha picked her up and put her over her shoulder. "To bad you have to go y/n and Lena you follow right behind."

As we walked into the training room Nat sat y/n and told her to start on the treadmill while me and her sparred.

I began fighting with Nat and as we fight we have a conversation. "So how's y/n doing for you" Nat asked as she tried to punch me in the face but I dodged. " it going good I guess" I said as I kicked her in the chest. "I guess what does that mean ,you better have a better answer than that because before you and her got together I wanted to hook up with y/n just as bad as you wanted to" Natasha said sweeping me off my feet. "What" I said as I knocked her over as well. " yeah you better watch your back because the one moment you mess up just know Ill be waiting" she said getting up and then pulling me up.

Y/n had been listening to music while working out. She was currently doing pull ups and squats. Me and Nat watched as she kept repping the pull ups and squats with no problem. "That's hot" Nat said and I elbowed her in the stomach which made her fall to the ground in pain.

"Okay y/n you are sparring with Bucky since you guys have a past with each other. If your wonder y/n was in hydra alongside Bucky, Wanda , and Pietro.

"Okay let's go buck" she called out to Bucky. She then got in her starting position ready for anything to happen. As always Bucky striker first giving y/n the upper hand because she grabbed his  hand. He then used his other hand that was metal in anger and tried to punch y/n but she caught it also which had shocked everyone considering Bucky's arm is pretty strong. He kept punching and she kept blocking until she head butted him in the head forcing him to fall to the ground in pain.

"Good job y/n your finished for today" Nat said and y/n walked over and gave me a kiss then putting her earbuds back in and walking out.

Natasha walked over and help Bucky up. "I bet your going to have a really bad headache later on" Natasha said laughing he said "yep and a lower ego." He left meaning it was just me and Natasha.

"Im going to go where y/n is" I stated and Natasha laughed saying "she really does have you around her finger" and then saying " don't make too much noise Yelena." She walked off and I headed towards y/n to lay dawn with her.

AN: I don't know what else to right so if you have any ideas please let me know

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