Loved and lost F.P

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We were currently at a part. Flo decided she wanted to tell me last minute, so I had to rush to get ready.

As I was sitting on the couch with Flo, I watched as my ex-girlfriend Haliee Steinfield walked in. This was not a good idea. I immediately grabbed Flo's alcoholic beverage and downed it with one shot. I grabbed the bottle a poured myself some more. "Whoa slow down on the tequila darling" Flo took the bottle away from me.

I felt the burning substance hit the back of my throat and go down my throat burning my chest.

"I need some air" I couldn't catch my breath. I felt like I was suffocating. I ran out to the balcony. Florence right behind me. "Hey what's wrong, if it's the party we can just go home" Flo looked worriedly into my eyes.

"You remember that ex I told you about, the one that dumped me over a text, she's here" I watched as Flo's eyes widened.

"Like there here now, we'll who is it" as soon as she asked the question I felt numb. I didn't like saying her name in any of my conversation, so I would always just say my ex.

"It's Haliee" I watched as her eyes went even wider. "Like as in my Co-Star Haliee, like the one I've been hanging out with over the last month. Why didn't you tell me" she was mad.

"Well you guys are such good friend and I didn't want my past to mess your friendship up. Look Flo I know how deep you get into friendships and I don't like seeing you hurt. Plus, it's hard for me to talk about it" I said beginning to freak out.

"I still needed to know y/n. And you can tell me anything, you know that" Flo held my face in her hands. She pulled my face to hers and gave me a soft and sweet kiss. "Look we will go back in there and if you feel too uncomfortable then we can leave" Flo said.

"Okay I'll try" we walked back into the house and we sat back down on the couch.

Haliee came over with a smile. "Hi y/n, I saw you when I came in and I just came over to talk" she sat down desire me. "Hi, what did you want to talk about" I asked and she looked up at Flo and then back to me. "Can I talk to you alone for a second" I looked over at Flo and she nodded her head, so I stood up and walked into another room with her.

She shut the door behind her. "So what do you want" I tried not to sound rude but the girl did break my heart, so she deserved it. "Look, I'm sorry for ending things the way I did. And I wish I could take it back, but I can't. This past month I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. I respect Florence and I understand that you guys are in a serious relationship, so all I wanted to say was sorry" haliee explained.

That was all I needed. All I needed was a sincere apology from her and I could move on. "Thank you, now if you would please excuse me I need to go sit with Florence" I walked past her.

I sat down beside Flo and she pulled me closer to her. "Everything go okay" she whispered in my ear and I nodded. Haliee came back in there not too long after me and the rest of the night went okay. Flo pulled haliee to the side and had a sedate conversation.

When we got in the car, I said something to her. "Hey what was that all about" Flo looked up to me. "I just invited haliee to join us for dinner tomorrow with a couple of friends and she said yes" she told me honestly.

"Are you sure you're okay with that" I asked just to make sure. "Yeah it's all good" I smiled and pulled off to go home.

It was the next day and it was time for the dinner. I helped Flo cook the food, while we both danced to our favorite songs.

After setting the table, Scarlet,  Colin, Emma, Chris, and Haliee showed up. We all sat down and had full conversation. "So y/n, I hear you are going on a world tour" scarlet said setting the attention to me.

"Yeah, I leave next week" I replied. "So, where are you going first" Colin asked. "I'm going to Mexico first and then I'm going to Barcelona" I told everyone as they smiled.

"I bet your outfits are going to be incredible" haliee said causing me to be a little uncomfortable, but I didn't show it.

"Yeah I wouldn't want to have a bad outfit" I said awkwardly. "So Chris, do you have any new movies coming that we don't know about yet" I said quickly changing the topic.

"I have applied for some, but I have been so busy with other things, I haven't really had time" he replied back.

I looked over to Flo, who was sitting quietly silently staring at haliee, and she hadn't talked much. "Flo tell them about your new movie" I nudged her to speak. "Yeah, I'm the lead character in Good Person" everyone clapped. "I can't wait to see it" Scarlet said sounding excited.

"So y/n I saw the Vouge magazine and you looked amazing" haliee said and again I felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Um thanks" I said not really knowing what to say. Flo clenched her jaw and gave haliee a deep stare. "You know what how about we go and sit outside and enjoy the backyard" I said standing up trying to ease up the tension. Everyone agreed and we chilled outside and enjoyed ourselves.

It was going good, but Haliee's comments didn't stop , they just kept coming. I could tell Flo was getting more irritated by the hour.

I was standing beside the pool looking into the water. Haliee came and stood beside me. "This was nice. I needed to take a break from work. I want to thank you y/n" she said making me look towards her. "For what" I asked in curiosity. "Because despite all the pain I caused you, you still treat me with a smile and help me when I need someone the most. I know I have a problem with letting sly comments come out my mouth towards you, but that's just me I can't help it. Florence is a nice girl and I'm glad she is giving you everything I couldn't. I regret my past decisions because you are a great person and you deserve everything in the world. Don't let me hold you back from being your quirky self, it's one of the things I love about you. I know you hate me, and I can't blame you, but I need you to understand that I truly did love you y/n. I was scared because for once in my life I felt safe and secure with someone who meant a lot to me and I was scared and the product of that is what brought us to this moment. I'm alone and you, well you are happy."

I couldn't speak. Tears flowed from my eyes. "Why tell me now. You've had years to tell me" I tried to hold back my tears. "Because I'm leaving y/n. I can't take seeing you in another relationship anymore. I couldn't find the words, but now I understand. I'm going away for a while, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends anymore, I just need time to heal" she softly smiled as a tear fell from her eye.

She pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear. "It's Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all" she walked past me and left. I wiped my tears away and tried to clean myself up.

Florence came up to me and pulled me in a hug. "You okay" she looked deeply into my eyes. "Yeah, I've never been better" I grabbed her hand and walked back over to join the others.

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