Trust Y.B

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I was sitting in a meeting. "We have a new avenger coming today and I want all of you to be on your best behavior. Belova that means you included" tony looked dead at me. "Okay, but why do we need another avenger we already have so many" I argued.

"Because we need all the help we can get and y/n isn't just any agent" he answered. Something about that name sounds familiar. "What's her last name if I may ask" I wanted to know if I was familiar with the new member. "Y/n Pierce" he said and I froze.

"You okay Yelena" Nat said looking worried. "Yeah I'm fine" I shook it off and stoped talking. After the meeting was over I pulled Natasha in another room.

"Yelena what is wrong with you" she yelled as I shut the door. "I know the new girl" I said and Natasha laughed. "You know the new girl, good one Yelena" she laughed. "I'm serious" I said sternly.

"I know know her" I said giving a hint. "You know know her I'm confused" Nat said thinking about what I said.

"No like I know know know her" I said it again and it clicked. "You fucked" Nat blurted out. "Okay don't say it like that, she's more of my ex" I said and Nat began to smile.

"You mean you dated someone and didn't bother to tell me" Natasha acted mad. "It was a long time ago" I looked down. "How long did your relationship last" she asked.

"Five years" I said and Natasha gasped. "Five years, you guys were basically married at that point. How'd you break up" she asked another question. "That's enough questions" I began to push her out the door. "But" she asked trying to not go out the door. "But nothing, let's just go to the kitchen" I pushed her question away and we went to the kitchen.

As we walked into the kitchen. Wanda, Bucky, and Steve were talking her. I immediately stopped walking. "Nope" I went to turn around but Natasha grabbed my arm. "No stop being a coward you're coming with me" she dragged me in.

"Oh hey Nat this is y/n" Wanda said introducing Nat. "It's a pleasure to meet you" y/n grabbed her hand and shook it. "And this is Yelena" Wanda said and y/n turned to me. I could finally see her full and. God she was pretty. I saw her face drop. She quickly put a smile on and reached out her hand. "Long time no see" she said. I quickly shook her hand, not wanting to hold it longer than I had to.

"Oh you guys know each other" Steve looked to me. "Something like that" I said making it quick and short. "We met in Budapest, we were passing ways while we were on missions" she said giving them a little information.

I looked away. "Yelena why don't you show y/n to her room then" Steve said giving me her room number. "Oh sure" I said awkwardly and began to walk. The walk was quiet. Once we got to her door I opened it. "Um this is your room, if you need anything else just ask someone" I didn't make eye contact.

"You know you can't avoid me forever Yelena, but thanks for showing me the way" her accent thicker than mine. "I wasn't avoiding you, and you're welcome" I began to walk away, but she grabbed my hand. "Then why can't you look me in the eye" I stopped and looked down.

"Welcome to the avengers y/n" I walked off leaving her there. I heard her mumble something in Russian before shutting her door.

I took a deep breath before walking to my room. I walked in to see Natasha on my bed. "What are you doing in here" I shut the door behind me. "She's hot I can see why you fucked" she blurted out again.

"Can you not, don't say it like that" I became irritated. "She's like a Greek goddess, how did you even pull her" Natasha said laughing. "Are you calling me ugly" I asked with a straight face. "No, I'm just saying she's like way out of your league" she said sitting up.

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