Horn dog F.P

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I am currently in the kitchen cleaning with music blasting through my headphones. Flo has been in London for her new movie black widow.

I am working on my new album but today is my day off so I decided to clean the house. I began cleaning off the stove and then I cleaned out the fridge. There wasn't any dishes left because I wash dishes every time I cook.

I wiped off everything and then swept the floor. I had finished the rest of the house and it was now later in the afternoon.

I was sitting on the couch doing some paperwork for my job because I'm part time singer and part time actor.

I usually do paperwork with Flo but since she's in London I just will do it myself. After I was done I headed to the shower to take a shower.

I let the water run down my sore body because I had been working for two weeks straight.

I washed and then put some clothes on after brushing my teeth and hair and my skincare printing.

I put on boxers and Flo's shirt that went all the way to my knees. I grabbed my book and I put my glasses on and laid in the bed.

A little through the book my phone began to ring.

I picked it up and saw Flo's name pop up so I answered it.

"Hey baby"Flo

"Hey Flo"y/n

"How's it going in London"y/n

"We're almost finish so I can come home and hug and kiss you and we can cuddle and watch movies and tv shows"Flo

"That sounds like fun flower"y/n

"I miss you" y/n

" I miss you more pumpkin" Flo

"I want you to call me tomorrow okay Flo because I'm  going on tour and I probably won't see you until next week" y/n

"I will darling and I will let you get some rest because it is 4 n the morning over here which means it is 11 pm over there so get some rest"Flo

"I will love you baby and call me I mean it"y/n

"I will baby bye love you"Flo
Call ended

I closed my book and took my glasses off and laid down to go to sleep.

I had been woken up by the neighbors and their loud and obnoxious kids. And there was no way I could go back to sleep.

I decided to make breakfast for myself while I listen to music. I made eggs and bacon and was dancing to my music.

I still had Flo's shirt on but with no bra but boxers underneath. I was dancing to the music. I felt a familiar pair of arms around me.

I turned to Flo smiling so brightly I took out my headphones and hugged her again. "Why did you stop dancing it was hot" Flo stated and let go of her. "I thought you wouldn't be finish until tomorrow" I explain to Flo and she just smiled.

"They let me come early because we finished early" she explained to me. "By the way did you clean the house it smells amazing in here and everything is so shinny and clean" Flo asked me with a smile.

"I did and you will be happy to know I also cleaned the fridge out" I told Flo and she rushed over to the fridge looking in it.

"It looks so good baby" she said walking towards me. I gave her a kiss and let her settle in while I finished the food. I felt Flo's arms around me again but this time she turned me around to face her.

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