In one piece Y.B

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My girlfriend y/n was standing in the kitchen cooking. She looked so hot making me some food. I just sat back and admired her beauty. We had been dating for five months now. I had gotten used to her company.

Everyone was fine with our relationship and everyone supported us. I had fell in love with her as soon as I saw her during my first time in New York.
She was walking in the streets at night. The moonlight mixed with all the city lights made her skin glow. She was the most stunning person on earth I had ever seen in my whole lifetime.

I didn't know at that time that she was also an assassin, but she worked for hydra. We now are both working as avengers.

She handed me my plate of food. "Thank you so much dekta, it looks amazing." I gave her a kiss on her forehead. "You're welcome, I have to go train with Nat so I'll see you later okay." She gave me a kiss and walked out.

After she left tony was smirking at me from across the room. "She's got you wrapped around her finger Belova."

And she did, I would do anything for the brown headed and green eyed girl. "Whatever." I brushed it off and continued to eat the food y/n made me. He walked out leaving me in the kitchen by myself I had went to our room and y/n had just walked in coming back from training.

"Lena do you know where my phone is, I haven't seen it since this morning." She was all sweaty and I'm not going to lie she was hot. "Umm I haven't seen it baby."

She spent the next hour looking for her phone and still didn't find it. "Maybe you laid it somewhere while you were cooking" I tried to think of where she would have laid it.

"Lena let's be honest this place is like a giant maze, there is no way I would find it without going absolutely insane" she sat down annoyed. I walked over to where she was and sat beside her. "Is it dead" she looked over at me. "No but it might be on silent."

"I'll call it" I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. We walked around the compound listening for a ringtone. There was this faint sound of vibration coming from the kitchen pantry.

Her phone was on the shelf. "See look I found your now will you stop looking like you're annoyed."

I tried to give her a hug and pull her into me. "Lena stop I'm all sweaty and stinky." She pushed me away "y/n the last thing I could care about is if you're sweaty and stinky" she laughed and walked away from me.

I was going to follow her but Natasha walked in and started talking to me. "Yelena suit up we have to go on a mission."

Everybody went on the mission except y/n because she had just gotten back from one. I got on the jet, but before leaving I gave y/n a hug and kiss."you better make it back in one piece you hear me" she said looking up at me. "I hear you." I left.

After Lena left I just sat around the compound. I was bored out of my mind. As I walked into the living room, I heard something coming from the front door. I walked slowly and cautiously towards the door.

Right before I could open the door, a bomb blew me back. I couldn't breathe because I had hit the ground so hard.

I stood up with what strength I had left and walked through the smoke. Five figures with guns rushed into the door. They all knew I wasn't going to give up so easily. They all came at me at the same time and pushed me against the wall.

They then held my hands to the wall holding me back. I head butted one of them in head and kicked another one. I took one of their guns and hit them in the head and then shot another. There was one left. He tackled me through the wall and he got up and dragged me by my hair towards the lab.

"Give me what I want" he spit out. "I can't give you what you want if I don't know what it is that you want" I said smartly. "Quit playing games y/l/n give me the drive."

"I don't know what you're talking about" he grabbed my head and hit it against the table. "Give me the drive." Blood ran down my forehead. "You'll have to kill me first."

He grabbed me by the throat. I couldn't breathe. My eyesight slowly started to fade. I took my fingers and pressed his eyeballs in and he let me go. I grabbed his gun and shot him. I couldn't keep my head up anymore and I fell over and knocked out.

During my mission I got a call from Jarvis. "Hey Jarvis I'm kinda busy right now." Why would Jarvis be calling me. "Um Yelena there has been a break in at the compound and I can't get ahold of y/n." Crap I knew she should have just rode on the jet.

"Thank you Jarvis I'm on my way." I ran towards tony. "Stark we got to go, someone broke in the compound and y/n wont pick up."

We finished the mission quickly and all loaded on the jet. We rushed to the compound and I saw the front door was blown open. As soon as the jet landed, I jumped off and ran inside. "Y/nnn" no response. There were four dudes laying on the floor meaning y/n did fight back. I looked in the kitten, then the training room, and in our room. She was nowhere to be seen.

I saw the lab door open, so I entered carefully and walked through the door. I saw y/n laying on the floor next to a dude. I ran over to her and checked her vitals. She was alive and she was breathing fine. Her face was a little beat up.

I picked her up and laid her on the medical bed. Bruce came in and hooked her up to the machine just to make sure she was okay.

I waited in the waiting area and Bruce had finally came out. "Umm she does need rest, and she took a good hit to the head and she has a bad concussion. She did have some cuts and some marks on her throat. Other than that she's all good and try to keep her in the dark for a little while to let her head rest."

He walked back into the lab and rolled y/n back to me. She was asleep. "You can take her to your room."

I picked her up and took her to our room. I laid her in the bed and then sat in the chair beside the bed. She looked so beautiful laying in the bed.

"You scared me so much dekta, I don't know what I would do without you. I'm going to find out who sent those bad men after you and I'm going to hunt them down. I wonder what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." I played with her hair as she rested.

After another hour she finally opened her eyes. "Lena" I turned my direction of focus from my book to her. "Hey baby, I'm here your going to be okay." She looked around the room. "Are they all gone" her voice sounded so soft. "Yea baby they're all gone."

She smiled softly and squinted her eyes. "What's wrong baby." I realized I had the lamp on beside us. "My head hurts." I cut the light off. "Sorry, Bruce said you would have to stay in the dark until your headache goes away."

"It's okay." She just sat quietly and looked into my eyes. "I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. I'm never leaving you by yourself again."

I laughed and we laid together and cuddled.

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