Dust Y.B

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Tape covered my mouth as I tried to scream out. Yelena standing there with tears in her eyes broke me. He held onto her tight.

"Time is running out y/n, take my offer or the girl dies" he yelled holding the gun to her head. "Don't take the offer y/n, I'll be okay" she smiled slightly trying to keep me sane.

I shook my head tears flowing down my face. This was never meant to happen, he was never meant to find me, and Yelena was never meant to be here.

"Y/n take the deal" he urged putting the gun closer to her head. "I love you dekta okay. I always have and always will. Be strong okay, don't give up. I want you to move on" she began to talk to me, but I wasn't hearing any of it.

I just kept shaking my head. There was no way I was letting him kill her. I fought off the guards and once they were down I turned to the man holding Yelena at gunpoint. "Y/n I know you're angry, but just hear me out" he tried to plead with me.

I got my hands loose and took the tape off my mouth. "I'm beyond angry, I'm fucking pissed" I bawled my fist and walked towards him. "Y/n listen to me okay, all I want is my things back" he tried to plead with me, but I could smell the fear radiating through him.

"Put the gun down" I told him and he shook his head. "I can't" he replied. "The fuck you can, put the fucking gun down before I shove it up your sorry excuse of a" I was cut off. "Y/n now that's not how you treat family" I turned to see my father walking in the door.

I scoffed "family, last time I checked we aren't family anymore" I said to him. "Listen you little shit, either you take my offer or your little girlfriend dies" he yelled.

"If you touch her I'll fucking rip your throat out and serve it on a big platter to your family" I threatened and he laughed. "Oh y/n always so protective" he said.

"Take it or she dies" he said again. "No" I simply said and the gunshots went off. I felt a pit in my stomach as if someone had drained me of every ounce of blood in my body.

I turned to see Yelena bleeding out on the floor. I immediately went down to hold pressure on her wound. He shot her in the stomach. "No no no no no no no no, you're going be fine just breathe okay breathe, please breathe" my voice breaking.

She put her hands on top of mine and looked up and me her eyes were glossy. "I love you okay, don't ever forget that" she smiled. "No you're not dying not today not ever, you are going to wake up beside me and we are going to go shopping and we will go watch the sunset like we always do" tears flooded my eyes and I couldn't see straight anymore.

She reached her hand on my face. "Don't blame yourself y/n promise me you won't take the blame okay, it wasn't your fault" she reassured me. "You aren't dying" I kept telling myself.

"Baby" she said softly and I could think anymore. My body became numb and my mind felt blank. "No you can't die I need you, you can't" I said the last part in a whisper.

I felt her drifting away. "Please breathe, please don't leave me" I pulled her into me holding her close.

"Y/n" I heard a faint voice. "Y/n" it got louder. I jolted awake. "Hey hey your okay, I'm here okay it was just a dream" Yelena said holding onto me. I was pouring sweat and my clothes were soaked. "Just breath okay your fine, I'm here" she held my hand.

I broke down in tears and leaned into her chest and she held me closely. "Hey it's okay" she massaged my head. "He killed you lena and I felt your cold body in my arms and it was all my fault" I let out.

"Baby I'm here okay and I don't plan on leaving you any time soon" she reassured me and placed a kiss on my forehead. I calmed down a little. It felt so nice being held by her she was my comfort zone.

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