No filter F.P

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My girlfriend y/n has a problem with saying things with no filter. She doesn't mean to be rude ,but it just slips out.

To help her we made a deal. If she said something mean she doesn't get any cuddles for the rest of the day.

It has been working but today she just kept slipping out words.

"Do you think an orange is named after the color or the fruit? If you even thought about that for 2 seconds, you're stupider than I thought" she said to haliee.

"Y/n stop" I said and she walked away.

Then we were going on the set for a scene and y/n out of nowhere. "Wouldn't it be horrible if Haliee was too injured and/or missing to be in the next scene ??!?" After Haliee patted y/n on the shoulder for making a joke. "Y/n shut up" I said hitting her on the arm.

We then we're eating lunch and scarlet asked "y/n what time is it." Y/n looked up and said "I don't know I'm not your clock." I hit her in the arm and said "scar I am so sorry" she smiled and said "it's fine."

I grabbed y/n's arm and made her follow me into another room.

"One more word from you and I won't talk to you until I feel that you have learned your lesson you understand" I told her. "I'm sorry" she said and we walked back into the room with scarlet.

Y/n looked a little sad so scarlet said "y/n what wrong with you." She bit her tongue trying not to say anything. "Y/n don't you dare say anything stupid and mean" I said warning her. She bit her tongue harder but it slipped out anyway.

"What's up with  your uneven bra padding, you look like you smuggling a coconut and a lime" she covered her mouth.

"That's it go sit on the stairs" I told her and point towards the stairs. "But I" she said but I didn't let her finish.

She sat down and turned the other way. I looked at scarlet and she was laughing. "She really has no filter" she kept laughing. "I'm sorry you know y/n she doesn't know when to stop talking" I said feeling sorry for what y/n said.

It had been an hour and y/n kept asking "can I get up now I promise I'll stop." So the last time I said "will you tell everyone your sorry" and she said "I will just let me up."

I let her up and she apologized to everyone.

AN: This one is short but hope you enjoyed

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