I love you Y.B

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Yelena was going on a three day mission which meant she wouldn't be able to see you. You were currently in the kitchen making her some breakfast before she left and you thought since she was leaving she would need all the rest she could get, so you let her sleep in.

You felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist and kisses on your neck. "Dekta why didn't you wake me up" she rested her chin on your shoulder.

"Because you need the sleep and I wanted to make you breakfast" you put the food in the plate. "Here" I was excited, I never really had any time to make Yelena breakfast these days.

"Y/n I have to leave" my face dropped. "Can you at least take a bite" you pouted knowing Yelena wouldn't be able to tell you no. "Fine" I jumped up in excitement.

I put a piece of a pancake on the fork and let her have a bite. "I got to go" Yelena began to walk out the door. "Aren't you forgetting something" I raised my eyebrow at the blonde.

"Right" she turned around and gave me a deep kiss. "Bye I love you" I smiled waving her goodbye. "I love you too" she smiled and walked out.

Usually on days when Yelena has a mission and you don't, you typically just chill around the apartment. Nat comes to visit and Wanda. You play board games with Peter. Nothing special.

It was the second night that Yelena was gone. She hadn't contacted you, meaning she was busy. You always worry when she goes on missions, but you know she can take care of herself.

You were laying in bed listening to the rain and thunder coming from outside. Before you could close your eyes, your phone began to ring. "Hello" your raspy sleepy voice coming through the phone.

"Dekta" a sad voice came through the phone and it broke your heart. "Yelena baby why are you calling me this late, you should be sleeping" you sat up in bed turning on the side lamp.

"I wanted to here your voice" you could tell she was on the verge of tears. "Baby I'm here, everything's going to be okay, one more day and it's over" you tried to comfort the blonde you hated to be hurt.

"I need you" she let out and your heart broke into pieces. You knew you couldn't help her until it was over. "Yelena bub you have to keep going okay and when you finish I'll be here waiting on you. Do you want me to talk until you fall asleep" you asked the Russian on the other side of the phone.

"Yes" the broken girl let out. You talked until you heard soft snores and an even breath.

Today was the day Yelena came back. You wanted her to relax. You made dinner and fixed the couch for movie night and got all her favorite snacks.

The door unlocking indicated that Yelena was home. I ran to meet her at the door. She pulled me in for a hug and held me tight. I played the hairs at the nape of her neck trying to give her some comfort.

"How about we take you for a bath" you told the tired girl. She nodded and never let go of you. You ran her water. She sat up on the counter in the bathroom. You stood in between her legs. "Do you want to talk about it" you moved the strand of hair in her face.

"I couldn't do anything right, I messed up the mission and the only reason I completed it was because they forfeited. I just wanted to come back to you" you look at her face. It was a little bruised, but she had a cut on her lip and one on her forehead.

"Let me clean you up" you smile trying to make her feel better. You cleaned the cuts and helped her into the bath. You began to walk away. "Can you get in with me" she asked looking up to you. "Sure" you said even though you had already washed. If it made her feel better then you'd do it.

You climbed in with her and she held you close, scared that if she let go you would disappear.

You helped her wash and put her some comfortable clothes on. "How about we get some food in your system" you said. "Can we just cuddle I'm not hungry" she whined. "Lena baby you have to eat something" she whined again, but eventually agreed.

She climbed into bed next to me and crawled under the covers. "Come here" you welcome Yelena to lay close to you. She laid her head on chest and pulled your waist to her for body heat. "I love you y/n" she blurted out. "I love you too lena" you feel asleep holding her.

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