1. The beginning of a new life

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( a/n : sorry it's not the most interesting but I promise this will get better in chapter 2 )

Ava Blackwood

It was 5 PM. I had only been in this car for less than an hour and I was already starting to have a headache.

One more hour before I got to see my new house.

I wasn't  really excited though.
I never wanted to move away but my mom thought it would help me recover.
I personally thought it was stupid but she's my mom and she was doing the best she can.

I'm gonna be honest, moving to a new town was scaring me. I mean, what if it got worse.

I looked out the window. It was starting to get dark outside.


The car finally stopped in front of a house. Our new house.

I got out of the car and looked at the other side of the street. Kids were playing in front of the neighbor's house. They seemed happy.

A man, that I guessed was  their dad, came out of the house. He looked at our side of the street before starting to walk towards us.

"Hi ! You must be our new neighbors. I'm Daniel Montgomery. " He said. " Hi ! It's nice to meet you, Daniel. I'm Judith and this is my daughter Ava."

"I'm not gonna bother you any longer. It seems like you have a lot of work. "

He turned around to leave then stopped his move.

" If you need any help my wife and I would be pleased to help you. "

My mom nodded with her head before turning back to our house.

" Isn't this house beautiful, Honey ? " She asked me. " If you say so."

We entered the house with our boxes. " We should hurry up, you have school tomorrow."
I let out a sarcastic"yay" before turning to her. " I'm gonna look after my bedroom."

"Okay. Come to me as soon as you found it so we can order something for dinner." She said. " I'm not really hungry I think I'm gonna get my stuff ready for tomorrow and then I'll head to bed."

" Honey, you haven't eaten anything today. I know it's hard but can you at least try ? " She looked at me with begging eyes. I've never been able to say no when she gave me this look. " Fine, I'll try. " It's fine. I guess I can really try. If I don't feel good I'll just go to the bathroom. She doesn't have to know that.


I heard the doorbell wich means the pizza my mom ordered unfortunately arrived.

" Honey, can you go open the door ? " My mom screamed from her room. " Sure, mom."

I grabbed some money before heading to the door. " Hi ! Am I at the right address for the pepperoni pizza ? " The pizza boy asked. " Yes, you are."
" Great, it'll be 8 dollars, please. "
"Here's" I said while handing him 10 dollars.     " You can keep the money."
" Thanks and bon appetit, miss. " He said with a big smile on his face.
I closed the door and headed to the kitchen. I put the pizza on the table and waited for my mom to arrive.

" Oh my god, it smells so good ! " I heard her scream from behind me.

I stared at the pizza for a long time before taking a slice of it in my hand. I took a bite, then another one until I finished it. After swallowing the last bite, the guilt started growing. I shouldn't have eaten that. What was wrong with me ? " I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight, mom. " I lied. " Goodnight sweetie. "

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