12. Bad surprise

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" You've been fighting the memories, all on you own, nothing worsens, nothing grows. "

Vancouver Sleep Clinic

Ava Blackwood

I was walking up the stairs while thinking about what had just happened.

Was he gonna kiss me ? Probably not.

I was thinking too much as always.

I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone.

I looked up to see Payton.

" Hey, Ava ! I didn't know you were coming. " She welcomed me with a big smile.

" Uh, yeah, Hunter invited me. I hope you don't mind. " I said a little worried.

" Why would I mind ? I'm actually very happy. Do you know how sad my little Huntie was because you wouldn't talk to him. I'm telling you, he really likes you. " She said.

I was taken aback by what she had said to me. Was he really that sad ? And it was my fault.

" Um, I should probably go back to him. " I said. " Yeah you're right. It was nice seeing you. "

I turned around to walk away when I heard her call my name.

" Ava, wait. "

I turned around to face her. " Yes ? " I asked.

" Would you mind if I ask you a favor ? "

I shaked my head from left to right to answer her question.

" Well, I create my own clothes and I need a model to wear my creations, I think you would be perfect for this. " She said.

I was lost. Was she asking me to be her model ?

Well no shit Sherlock.

" I don't think it's a good idea. Plus I can't pose for pictures. " I said trying to decline her offer.

" Oh please, I can't find anyone else and I will teach you how to pose. " She begged.

She was giving me those puppy eyes. I just couldn't say no to this.

" Okay, fine. " I said. " Oh my god ! Thank you, thank you, thank you ! Come to my house tomorrow after school so we can start as soon as possible. "

I nodded and left.


" Hey, Hunter, I should probably go home it's getting very late. " I said.

We had been sitting in the living room not saying anything to each other for about an hour now. It was a little weird since what happened.

" Yeah, okay, see you tomorrow at
school. " He said.

He didn't even look at me. He kept his eyes on his phone the whole time. I got up and left the house.

As I was walking on the street I felt my phone vibrating. I grabbed it and looked at the screen.

It was Maria.

" Hey, what's up ? " I asked.
" What's up ? What's up is that I have sent you a hundred of texts and you didn't answer any of them. " She yelled on the other side of the phone.

" Yeah, sorry bout that. I was at Hunter's and I didn't look at my phone. " I said as an excuse.

" Um, what ? Can you repeat, I think my ears are messing with me ? You were where ? " She seemed a bit shocked.

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