27. End

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I was about to cry. He looked confused. Maybe he thought he had done something wrong.

" what do you mean ? " he asked.

His eyes were full of pain. I couldn't stand seeing him like that.

" I've been thinking about it for a while now. " I said.

The sadness in his eyes turned into anger. He was mad at me.

"And you didn't think about telling. We could've work it out. "

I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I was breaking his heart and it was breaking mine even more.

" I'm sorry. I just.. I can't stand the fact that you could be so much happier without me. " I felt the tears rolling down my face.

And the sadness came back on his face. He was crying.

The people around us didn't seem to notice what was happening. They were too busy dancing or drinking.

" I want you to be happy and you can't be happy if you keep being worried about finding me dead one day. " I said.

"Ava, please, don't do this." He begged me.

My decision was made and it was the most hurtfull one.

" I love you, Hunter. I will always love you but I don't wanna wake up in ten years telling myself 'He could've been so happy if I didn't come into his life'. "

"So this is over ?" He asked.

I looked at my ring while my tears were falling to the ground. I took it off and slowly placed it in the palm of his hand.

I got on the tip of my toes, kissed his cheek and turned around without looking back.

The tears kept falling as I walked out of the school. I wanted to hide far away from everyone. I felt horrible. I was drowning in the guilt. I felt like dying.

I was walking in the rain hoping I would soon find my house and fall into my bed sheets.

I never knew I would know what it was like to be heart broken but here I was, outside, by myself, trying to pick up the pieces that were left of my heart.

I thought I was making the best decision for him but also for me. But instead, it felt like the worst.

As I arrived at my house I ran inside and directly went to my room.

I let out a scream and I'm pretty sure I woke the whole neighborhood up.

I wanted the pain to go away. I needed it to go away.

My mom barged into the room followed by Maria as I was trying to take off my dress.

She must have learned what happened and left to come here.

"The zip is locked. " I cried.

They tried to unzip it but with no success.

I was losing air probably because I was having à panick attack.

"Please, take it off, i can't breath !" I screamed in pain.

After a few more tries I was finally able to take the dress off. I fell to the ground in my underwear. Maria got down and held me in her arms followed by my mom.

"It hurts so much, please, make it stop." I begged.

Maria was carressing my hair and whispering that it would be okay.

It wasn't gonna be okay.


I was laying in bed. Two weeks had passed since I broke up with Hunter. I had came back from graduation. It was the last time I would ever see his face.

He seemed to be okay when I saw him there. We had an eye contact and he simply ignored me.

I should've been happy. That was what I wanted. For him to forget about me. But It hurt.

Maria didn't stay with me during graduation. She stayed with Jace because let's say he was mad at me.

I was mad at me too. I deserved to be hurting.

I was on my phone looking at old photos of him and I. I know it sounds cliché but It helped making me feel better. His smile was making me feel a little happier.

There was supposed to be a big donner with the base-ball team after the graduation but I didn't go. I didn't feel welcomed to be there.

Maria walked into my room with a bag full of food and several games.

She had been doing that everyday since prom. She would come to my house and try to make me feel better.

It wasn't really working but she was trying her best so i acted like it was usefull.

"Plans for today, we're watching the whole Harry Potter saga. " she said as she jumped on my bed.

"Is he happy ?" I asked.

She seemed sad after my question.

"He seems to be." She answered.

I sight of relief.

"Then It's all that matters." I answered.

"Ava, I know you think it was the right thing to do but I'm not sure it was. "

She was right. It was probably not the right thing to do but it was too light. I could go back in time. I wasn't like I had a time machine.

But if I had one, I wouldn't think twice before using it.

"I know but there's no turning back, now. I cant come back, now that he's happy without me and act like nothing ever happened."

He was better off without me, I had to keep that in mind.

Maria switched the TV on and the movie marathon started.

I didn't pay much attention to the screen. I was still thinking about everything that had happened.

I remembered how I hated Hunter at first. It should've stayed like that. But of course that idiot had to show up with his beautiful smile and make me fall in love with him.

Just like in every stupid romantic movies, I fell stupidly and madly in love with him.

Hunter Montgomery was my first love. And for some reasons I didn't think he wouldn't be my last.

I guess not everyone gets a happy ending.



Just kidding, of course thid isn't.the end.

Love u <3

Please, don't be too mad at me.

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