17. Truth

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I woke up with a big headache that morning. I didn't remember much of last night. I knew one thing. I had been drinking.

" Can you guys tell me how I ended up in my bed ? " I asked the girls who were already awake.

They looked at each other not knowing whether they or shouldn't tell me.

" Hunter carried you to the room. " They said in sink.

" Oh, ok. "

He was really making it hard to stay away from him.

I got up and got ready for a new day. Today was a free day so we could do anything we wanted in town.

I was finishing getting ready when I my phone buzzing. I had received a text from an unknown number.

Unknown : Salut, c'est Jack. Je me demandais si ça te disais d'aller se promener ensemble histoire de faire connaissance ?

( Hey it's Jack, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk together so we could get to know each other ? )

Me : why not.

Jack : Meet me down the Eiffel tower at 5 pm.

" Who are you texting ? " Maria asked. " Jack asked me if I wanted to go on a walk
tonight. "

Maria and Payton screamed together.

" Did you say yes ? " They asked.
I nodded and they gave me big smiles.


We had been doing some shopping the whole morning and the girls insisted to buy a dress for my " date " with jack.

It was really hard finding one but we eventually did.

After the shopping it was time for lunch. We stopped at a little restaurant.

" Isn't it weird that they chose Paris for this trip ? I mean, out of all places. "

My friends looked at each other.

" Yeah, weird. " Maria mumbled.

" Why do I feel like you're not telling me something ? " I asked.

Payton looked at me and I could tell she was feeling bad.

" Because we aren't telling you something. " She said truthfully.

" And what would that be ? "

" It's not a " coincidence " that we're in Paris. Before they chose the place, Hunter came to me. He kept asking questions and he ended up asking me the place you had always wanted to go to. " Maria explained.

" I don't understand. "

" Ava, Hunter practically begged the school to make it a Paris trip because he knew it would make you happy. " Payton said.

And I realized. I had made the biggest mistake of my life. And there was no turning back.


I had been sitting on my bed for an hour thinking about what the first had told me. I couldn't believe Hunter did that for me.

And me, what did I do ? I kept pushing him away.

I'm not gonna say he didn't deserved it. His attitude was shitty. But maybe I went too far.

As I was deep in thoughts, I heard someone knocking.

The door opened and Jace's face came in sight.

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