28. Club

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"Ava, hurry up !" Maria called me

It was 6pm and I had to get ready for a party. I was celebrating my 21st birthday with Maria at the club and I was super exited.

I grabbed my purse and ran to join my best friend. We got out of our appartement and went to the club. The place wasn't very far so we decided to walk.

It was starting to get dark outside and the wind was strong. I was regretting wearing a tight short dress.

I know what you're thinking. Since when does she wear dresses ?

I went to a lot of therapies to help me boost my confidence and here I was, now.

"I told you we should've take the car." Maria complained.

"No you didn't. You were the one saying there was no need to use it." I defended myself.

She rolled her eyes and started to walk faster.

After a five minutes walk we finally arrived at the club. We prepared our IDs and got into the queue. The queue wasn't very long so it went pretty fast.

We walked into the club and looked at each other.

"Time for party, Bitch !" Maria screamed while grabbing my arm.

We walked to the bar and sat down.

"Ten shots of tequila, please !" Maria screamed so the barman would hear her.

The barman placed our order in front of us.

"On the count of three. 1...2...3 !"

We drank out spots as fast as possible.

The tequila was burning my throath but it felt good. After all the shots were empty we left to dance.

"Don't be shy girl go bananza
Shake ya body like a belly dancer." We screamed the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

I went to the bar and grabbed us a drink. I drank mine in one go and went straight to grab another on.

I wanted to have fun tonight.

I stopped counting my drinks after I went to the bar for the tenth time. All I know is that I had drank a lot. Maybe even too much.

I was sitting at the bar with Maria waiting for a new drink. When the barman handed me my drink I decided to start a conversation.

"You know, I used to date this guy in high school. Probably the hottest boy ever."

The barman seemed embarassed but who could blame him ?

"I was seventeen and I was stupid and..." I stopped talking as I felt my head spinning.

"Ava, you should really stop talking." My best friend tried to stop me from saying something stupid.

"I was such a bitch ! I broke up with him during prom night. I said it was because I wanted him to be happy but I think it was because I was convinced that I didn't deserve to be loved." I said.

"God, I was so annoying." I drank my drink in one go for probably more then the tenth time and kept going.

"after I broke up with him, I went home like the little victim I was and cried the whole night."

I asked for another drink.

"Are you sure you want another one ? You seem pretty waisted." The barman asked.

I nodded. "I guess what I'm trying to tell you is, don't break up. It sucks."

I could see the barman staring at something behind me. I turned around and was met with those big blue eyes.

My heart dropped as I tried to realize what was happening. I was drunk but I could still recognize someone if they were close enough.

In front of me was standing Hunter Montgomery. Also known as my first love.

"Oh, God, I'm gonna be sick." I said.

I got up and placed a hand on my mouth before I started running to the toilets.
I almost fell but someone caught me in time. I didn't bother to look who it was as I was too busy trying not to pure all over me.

The boy I had never stopped thinking about in the past three years had heard my drunk self confessing about how she broke his heart.

As I arrived in the bathrooms, I let myself fall on the dirty floor and let everything I had drank out.

As I started throwing up I felt someone grabbing my hair. It was probably Maria whi followed me.

It was endless. The more I was thinking about it the more it was making me sick.

"Thanks, Maria, you're the best." I thanked my best friend.

Turns out she wasn't the one holding my hair. Hunter was.

"Oh fuck, It's never gonna end." I complained.

I got up and walked out of the bathrooms running into several walls on my way. I joined Maria and took her to dance but Hunter grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the exit.

"What are you doing ?"
"Driving you home." He said.
"I don't wanna go home, let go of me."

"Ava, you're drunk, something bad could happen to you if you stay here any longer." He warned me.

He was worried about me. He wasn't supposed to be.

"why do you care ?" I asked confused. "You shouldn't be worried about me. You should hate me. Why don't you hate me ?"

He sight and turned to face me.

"Trust me, I tried. But I can't because there is no teason why I should."

I felt tears coming but I held them back in. I was still in love with him. And seeing him that night didn't help.

I felt my body falling but Hunter's strong arms catched me before I could touch the ground.


I woke up with a big headache. I looked around and realized I wasn't in my bedroom. This room didn't even belong to my appartement.

I wasn't wearing my dress anymore. Instead I was wearing white t-shirt that was way too big for me.

"Did I have sex with someone ? " i asked myself out loud.

I had no memories from last night. I could tell I had drank a bit too much.

I walked out of the room and went to another on that seemed to be the kitchen. A man was cooking. He was tall and had dirty blond hair.

If that was the man I had sex with I wasn't complaining.

He turned around and my jaw dropped.

Hunter Montgomery.


New chapter !

If you didn't understand we are three years after the chapter 27.

Hope you liked it <3

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