22. Love

401 7 6

Hunter Montgomery

I know I said I wanted to ask her to prom in a special way but I couldn't wait anymore.

I was a bit stressed about her answer but I felt released when I heard her say yes.

I kissed her forehead and that's when I heard it.

" I love you. "

I felt my heart stop for a moment. I wanted to say it but I thought it was too soon so I decided not too.

I smiled. She loved me. Me. Not someone else. And I loved her too.

" I love you too. " I smiled.

I could feel she panicked after saying it because her whole body tensed up.

I held her tight in my arms still smiling about what just happened.

' I love you ' such powerful words. Those words made me love her even more.


It was 9 am. Ava was still awake and I didn't want to wake her up. She looked exhausted last time. Meeting her dad had upset her a lot I could see that. She was trying to act strong in front of me but her eyes betrayed her.

I felt her little body moving before she opened her eyes.

She looked at my while rubbing her face.

" Hi. " She said.

I kissed her on the lips before she got out of bed. She walked into the bathroom and got out with clothes on.

" You should go home. " She said.

" But I don't want to. "

" You have to at least get some clothes. " She answered.

I sighed before walking toward the window.

" Hunt, my mom is at work. You can leave by the door. " She giggled.

" Hunt ? That's a new one. " I said.

She smiled and pushed me out of her room.

I went back to my house to get changed as fast as possible so I could go back to her.

When I was ready I walked out of my house and went straight back to hers.

She was waiting for me on her bed while reading a book.

" What are you reading ? " I asked.

" Just some sort of story about a girl meeting a boy and falling deeply in love with him. " She answered.

I grimaced and sat next to her. I grabbed the book so she would have all of her focus on me.

She pouted after trying multiple times to get her book back.

" Give it to me. "

" Not a chance. " I said. " Or maybe I will. If you give me a kiss. " I smirked.

She rolled her eyes. Topical Ava.

" You know you don't have to steal my stuff so I kiss you. I already do that all the time. "

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