I Want To Help

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POV - Whitley

I woke up on a operating table in a pristine white room. Around me were the sounds of a heart rate monitor and talking people. Apparently the sudden change of heart rate caught someone's attention.

"How are you feeling kid," I heard a female voice say.

"Like I was hit by a truck," I said, I know it's dramatic but Oum I hurt.

"That's to be expected," she said with a breathy laugh.

"Ok basturd look into the light and follow it with your eyes," some douchebag said.

Nonetheless I did what he asked.

"Good now stay here until Madam Belyy comes to speak to you," Douchebag says before leaving the room.

"Rude much," I said jokingly to Blanc.

"Very," she said.

"So am I going to be killed after the questioning or will I be fine," I asked.

"No, Madam Belyy will send you back to the Brotherhood after you've answered her questions," Blanc said.

"Cool," I said.

"Why were you in those woods Whitley," she asked.

"Final test before becoming a Dark Brotherhood member," I told her.

"I see and what did you have to do," she asked.

"Kill this crazy scorpion faunus," I said.

"Which led to you having that gash on your side," she said.

"Yup," I replid.

Suddenly the door to this room opened which revealed the women I had spoken to before returning to sleep.

"Have you asked him any questions Blanc," she asked.

"I only asked him why he was in the woods," Blanc said.

"I see and why were you in those woods," she asked me.

"Final test before becoming a Dark Brotherhood member, and before you ask I had to hunt down and kill this crazed scorpion faunus," I told her.

"Interesting, Blanc would you please leave us," she asked Blanc

"Yes Madam Belyy," Blanc said, before leaving the room.

"Do you feel safe enough to show me your face," she asked.

"Yes," I said.

POV - Madam Belyy

Slowly he lifted his hand up and grabbed his mask. He hesitated for a moment.

"If you're not ok with doing it then don't," I said.

But after that he took it off revealing a face I had not expected to see... Whitley Schnee.

"I know you said your name was Whitley, but I didn't expect you to be that Whitley," I said.

"Sorry for the let done I guess," he said jokingly.

"Dont worry, alright time for my first question, are you ready," I said.

"Yes," he replied simply.

"Why did you get training from the Dark Brotherhood," I asked.

"I want to fight back against my father and free the faunus if Atlas," he said.

"Interesting, who trained you," I asked.

"I was trained my Schwarz Tod," he said.

"How is Schwarz it has been some time since we've seen each other," I asked.

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