Chapter 36 Suspicion

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Remus slept until noon, and when he woke up, he never felt better. He smiled when he remembered that Kagome was home and that she had agreed to have lunch with him. Remus only hoped that she hadn't changed her mind. Remus was sure that Kagome hadn't, but he still had a little doubt in the back of his mind.

‘Well, there's only one way to find out,’ Remus thought.

So, Remus stretched got out of bed, then went to the bathroom to shower quickly, shave, and get ready. He left his bedroom and walked down the hall. Remus suddenly stopped when he heard Kagome humming to herself. He smiled and knocked on her door; Kagome answered the door and smiled at Remus. Remus's eyes widened at how lovely Kagome looked. She wore skinny jeans that hugged her figure nicely and a royal blue blouse that illuminated her eyes. Kagome had pinned her hair up and applied a little makeup. Remus thought she never looked lovelier.

“Oh, Remus, I'm glad you're awake. Are you ready to go out?”

Remus stared at his mate for a moment longer before clearing his throat, “Uh, yes, I am, but how did you know I was awake?”

Kagome flushed slightly, “I didn't; I only wanted to be ready when you woke up. I was going to wait for you downstairs. How are you feeling? Are you up to going out?”

Remus beamed at Kagome, “I've never felt better, so if you want to go to lunch now, we can.”

“Great! Let me grab my purse,” Kagome said and stepped back into her room and grabbed her purse and wand, placing her wand in her wand holster that was attached to her forearm. The holster was disillusioned so that no one would notice it. Remus had done the same with his wand.

When Kagome stepped out of her room, Remus offered his arm, Kagome intertwined her arm with Remus, and they headed downstairs. Kagome told Remus that she would inform her father they were going out. She went into the den where Sirius and Harry were watching Star Wars.

Sirius turned around when he heard Kagome enter and smiled at her, “You look lovely, Kagome,” Then he noticed she had her purse with her, “Are you going out?”

Kagome blushed, “Yes, Remus and I are going out for lunch, but I'll make sure that Kreacher has lunch ready for you and Harry, Dad,” Kagome said without realizing it.

Sirius beamed at Kagome when she called him Dad, though he wouldn't bring it up. He hoped it wasn't a slip of the tongue and that Kagome finally viewed Sirius as her father. Then Sirius realized what Kagome had said and smirked, “You and Remus are going out?”

Kagome flushed again, “Yes, I hope you don't mind.”

“No, I don't mind. It will do Mooney good to get out of the house. Have fun, you two.”

Kagome beamed at her father and kissed his cheek, “We will, Dad; see you later. Bye, Harry.”

Harry had been sitting there watching the interaction between Sirius and Kagome. He saw how happy it made Sirius for Kagome to call him Dad, and Harry couldn't help the jealousy in his heart. He didn't want to feel envious of Kagome, but he did. Not only was she adopted by a loving family, but she still had her biological father, who adored her. And what did Harry have? Abusive relatives he was forced to spend every summer with, and a madman is trying to kill him. Harry had never felt more cheated in his life. And now Kagome was taking Remus away from him as well. The only other link Harry had to his parents. Harry knew he was irrational, but he couldn't help how he felt. A small flame of anger was building toward Kagome in his chest.

After kissing her father and saying goodbye to Harry, Kagome turned to leave the room when she felt it. A tiny bit of darkness was coming from Harry. If Kagome weren't so in tune with her priestess powers, she would have missed it. She turned and glanced at Harry, he smiled at her, but Kagome could see the hatred in his eyes. Her eyes flicked to the scar on Harry's forehead, and she had to hold back a gasp. The darkness she felt was not radiating from Harry's heart but the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. It was at that moment that Kagome realized that Harry was possessed by something evil, and he had no idea.

She was going to say something but thought better of it. Kagome needed to talk to her father and Remus first and inform them about what she sensed. If she approached Harry, he would reject her help now that the darkness was growing in him. Kagome decided that after her outing with Remus, she would talk to the two men and let them know. From there, they could decide what to do.

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