Chapter 23 Leaving For Hogwarts

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The next morning Kagome was awakened to the sound of complete and utter chaos. She could hear people running passed her door and shouting at each other. Kagome leaped out of bed and grabbed her wand. She ran to her door and opened it slowly. She was expecting to an attack of some sort but it turned out that it was just the Weasleys running around getting ready to leave. Kagome rolled her eyes as she closed her door. Since she was up, she might as well get ready and take her trunk downstairs.

Kagome goes to her bathroom to take a quick shower. When she gets out she casts a quick drying spell on her hair then puts it up in a bun. She puts on a little bit of makeup eyeliner, and lip gloss. She goes back into her room and changes into a pair of skinny jeans and a blue blouse that brings out her eyes. She then sits down on her bed in order to put on a pair of black boots. The whole time she's getting ready Yasei is watching her intently. She looks at him and smiles, walking over to his perch she scratches her owl and gives him a few owl treats.

"Well, boy, today's the day that we head off to Hogwarts. I hope everything goes well."

Yasei cocks his head to the side and looks at her. She laughs and scratches his head. When he finishes his treats she tells him that she'll be back for him after breakfast. Going downstairs, Kagome can still hear the chaos going on as the Weasleys are still running around trying to get ready to leave.

When she enters the kitchen she finds Hermione, Remus, Sirius, Arthur and Ginny sitting down to breakfast. She smiles and greets everyone.

"Good morning all, what's with all the ruckus, I thought we were being attacked when I woke up."

They all chuckled, "You know how boys are, Kagome, they waited until the last minute to get ready. So now they're all running around trying to gather up all their belongings." Ginny said rolling her eyes.

Kagome nods, "Well, I guess we should start breakfast without them, Kreacher." Kagome calls.

With a pop, Kreacher appears, "You called mistress Kagome?"

"Yes, Kreacher, good morning," Kagome says as she pats him on the head.

"Good morning, mistress, shall I serve breakfast now?"

"Yes, please, Kreacher, be sure that there is some left over for the others.

"Yes, mistress Kagome."

As they begin to have their breakfast Fred and George make their way into the kitchen. They sit down with a huff and serve themselves some tea. Just then their plates of food appear in front of them.

"Thank you, Kreacher." They both say and dig into their food.

"So, are you guys all packed up?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, finally, next year we are not waiting until the last minute."

Ginny snorts, "That's what you said that year."

After a while, the others come downstairs and have breakfast. They were all chattering at once talking about how they couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. Hermione was so excited that she and Ron were going to be Prefects. She was already coming up with a plan on how to organize everything so that things would run smoothly. While they were all talking Kagome sat there quietly and listened, Remus noticed how quiet she was being and leaned over to her.

"Are you alright, Kagome? You seem a little subdued this morning."

"I'm fine Remus, just a little nervous about starting a new school."

Hermione looked up at Kagome and smiled, "Don't worry, Kagome, we'll look after you until you get settled, won't we guys?"

There was a chorus of agreement from everyone, though Ron only mumbled it and so did Harry. Sirius noticed Harry's reaction and wondered what brought that on.

When they finished breakfast everyone went upstairs to get their trunks. Kagome put Yasei into his cage then levitated her trunk and brought it downstairs. Everyone met in the living room so that they could floo over to King's Cross. Hermione and the Weasley's said their goodbyes to Sirius and Remus then went through the fire. Harry gave Sirius a hug and was about to step through the fire when Sirius stopped him.

"Just a minute Harry, I almost forgot to give you this," Sirius hands a photo to Harry, "It's a photo of the original Order of the Phoenix. I wanted you to have it."

Harry smiled and put the photo in his pocket, he then hugged Sirius, "Thank you, Sirius."

"You're welcome, Pup."

With that, Harry took some Floo powder and threw into the fireplace. When the flames turned green, he stated his destination and stepped in. The last thing he saw before he disappeared was Kagome and Sirius hugging, once again he frowned.

Sirius hugged Kagome tightly, "I'm going to miss you so much, Kagome."

"I'm going to miss you too, Sirius."

"I want you to have a good term and write to me as often as you can. And if Albus lets you come to visit, please don't hesitate to come home."

"I promise I will write and visit as often as I can."

Sirius smiles and pulls a photo out of his pocket, "I want you to have this."

Kagome takes the photo and sees that its a photo of him and his mother taken while they were at Hogwarts. In the photo, they are both laughing and cuddling and every now and then Sirius would kiss Grace on the cheek.

Kagome teared up when she saw the photo, but she handed it back to Sirius, "I can't take this, Sirius, I don't want you to part with something so special."

Sirius smiled at how selfless Kagome was, "I want you to have it, besides I made a copy of it. Please, it would make me very happy if you took it with you."

Kagome smiles and puts the photo in her purse then she hugs her father fiercely, "Thank you, Sirius, this means so much to me."

"I know it does, sweetheart."

Sirius reluctantly lets go of Kagome, "Well, you better get going, don't want you to miss the train."

Kagome wipes her tears, "Right."

Kagome then turns to Remus and also gives him a fierce hug, "I'm going to miss you too, Remus, you have been a good friend and I have enjoyed our time together."

"Goodbye, Kagome, study hard, but don't forget to have fun as well," Remus tells her.

On impulse, Remus kisses the top of her head, shocking himself. He panics for a moment but neither Kagome nor Sirius says anything. Kagome looks up at the older man and smiles at him.

"I'm going to ask the Head Master if I can come home for your transformations to help you through them. If not that night at least the day after so I can heal any wounds you may have," Kagome tells Remus.

"You don't have to do that, Kagome."

"I know, but I want to."

Remus smiles at her, "Thank you for all of your help."

"You're very welcome Remus."

Neither one of them had noticed that during their conversation they were still wrapped in each other's arms until Sirius laughed.

"I think you two might want to let go of each other or else Kagome will never leave."

Kagome and Remus immediately let go of each other and step away.

Kagome clears her throat, "Um, I guess I should get going now. She you two at Christmas, if not before."

Kagome takes some floo powder and throws it into the fireplace then steps in. She waves at Sirius and Remus, then calls out her destination and disappears.

Sirius and Remus stand there for a minute then Sirus puts his arm around Remus.

"So, when were you going to tell me that you fancied my daughter?"

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