Chapter 5 Arriving in London

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When Kagome returned from the past, it's with a new mission in mind. She has decided that she's going to meet her grandparents, maybe even find out who her father is. Coming out of the well she goes into the house where she finds her family sitting down for dinner.

"Hi everyone, it's over, we defeated Naraku and the Jewel is whole again."

"Where is it?" Souta asked

"I made a wish that it had never existed and it was destroyed," Kagome informs her family.

"That's wonderful, Dear, now you'll get to rest up for the rest of the month before school starts," Kiyoko tells her daughter.

Kagome presses her lips together and shuffles her feet, "Actually, Mom, Dad, I was wondering if it's alright if I go to England to meet my grandparents?"

Kiyoko and Toshi look at each other, "Why all so suddenly?"

"Well when I was in the past I got to see Sango with her brother Kohaku and it made me realize how important family is. And I realized that my grandparents have no idea that my mother passed away or that I was born, and I don't think that's fair."

Toshi thinks for a moment, "No, sweetheart, you're right, it isn't fair, your grandparents have every right to know you and to know that their daughter is no longer with us. If you want to go then you have my blessing."

"And mine too, though I think you should take your mother's wand and the album with you to show Mr. Ollivander. It will be easier for him to believe you that way. I'll add some of your baby pictures as well, the wizarding kind. We need to go to Gringotts and get your paperwork in order, and get you an international portkey." Kiyoko tells Kagome, "We'll go first thing in the morning."

That night Kagome packed her trunk with all of her school books and her Muggle clothes, her jewelry and her mother's album, wand, and a few other things. She didn't know how they dressed in the British Wizarding World so she thought it best to leave her Japanese robes behind.

Kagome could hardly sleep, she was so excited about going to see her grandparents, she had no idea how it was going to go but she hoped they would like her. And maybe they could help her find her father as well. Finally at 2 am, Kagome was able to settle down and go to sleep, she still woke up bright and early the next morning. Kagome went downstairs and cooked breakfast for her family, by the time she was finished they were all up. They all sat down to have their last meal together.

As they sat and ate, Toshi and Kiyoko looked at each other, Toshi discreetly nodded his head towards his wife and she did the same. Kiyoko cleared her throat and looked at Kagome.

"Kagome Dear, there is something else you should do while you're in England."

"What's that, Mom," Kagome asked.

"Your father and I think you should look for your biological father as well."

"Why?" Kagome wasn't going to tell them that she had already thought of that, she wanted to know their reason.

"Because, dear, according to Grace they were very much in love and I'm sure it broke his heart when she disappeared. I think he has a right to know that you exist and that Grace never stopped loving him. He should also know that she passed away."

Kagome sat there for a while, "You're right, Mom, Padfoot does have a right to know, I'll get my grandfather to help me. I'm sure he'll know who he is."

"Good, now let's finish breakfast and head over to Gringotts."

The little family finished their breakfast and headed off to Tengoku no gētou~ei (Heavenly Gateway). Once they got there they went straight to Gringotts where they spoke to account manager Rogkras. They explained to him exactly what Kagome's plans were and he arranged for her to get a Muggle passport and an international portkey that would take her to the Leaky Cauldron in London.

"Once there, Miss. Higurashi, it will be 2 am so you may want to rent a room for the night. In the morning go to talk to a man named Tom, he'll lead you to the entrance to Diagon Alley. From there you'll be able to find your grandfather's wand shop. Here is your passport and your portkey, it is set to go off in one hour." Rogkras informs her.

"Thank you, Rogkras, may all your enemies suffer a slow and painful death by your hand," Kagome says.

Rogkras bows, "May all your endeavors come true and your enemies lay dead at your feet."

Kagome and her family left Gringotts and decided to do a little shopping. They split up and Kagome decided to go to Flourish and Blotts to see if she could find a book on the British Wizarding World. She ended up getting two on the British Wizarding World and several more on the Etiquette of the Pure-Blood Society. Her mother had told her that in England the wizards were obsessed with blood purity and so it would be better to know what to expect that to go in blind. She also found Hogwarts, a History and thought it might be an interesting read.

Once she left Flourish and Blotts she met up with her parents and Souta, they went to the ice cream shop and had some wizarding ice cream before it was time for Kagome to leave. At 10:55 they met back in Rogkras office and said their goodbyes. Kagome hugged and kissed her family and promised to call or write as soon as she could. At 11:00 on the dot the portkey was activated and Kagome felt a hook behind her navel and she was whisked away to London.

Landing outside what looked like an abandoned building, Kagome looked around until she spotted the sign that read The Leaky Cauldron. She sighed and made her way inside. Inside the pub, it was dark and shabby, with a bar and a number of tables in the shadows of the corners. There were a few patrons here and there, but for the most part, it was empty.

Kagome walks up to the bar and asks for a room for the night. The barmaid smiled at Kagome and gave her a key, charging her six galleons for the night. Kagome makes her way upstairs, in stark contrast to the grubby downstairs of the pub, there were some unexpectedly pleasant rooms upstairs. These rooms were reached by way of a handsome wooden staircase and contained a comfortable bed, highly polished oak furniture, a crackling fire which was always burning in the grate to welcome the visitor to their lodgings.

Kagome took her trunk out of her purse and enlarged it, she didn't know what to do since she wasn't sleepy at all, so she decided to read for a while getting on the bed she was shocked to see that there was a candle on the bedside.

'Have these people never heard of electricity before,' Kagome thought.

Even Mahoutokoro being as old as it was, was updated years ago to have electricity. Kagome didn't want to think that the British Wizarding World was that backward or better said outdated. But as she read the book on the Etiquette of the Pure-Blood Society, she began to realize that yes these people really were outdated and possibly even inbred.

After finishing that book she picked up Hogwarts, a History and read that for a while. Kagome was so into the book she hadn't noticed that it was morning already. Putting the book away, Kagome decided to take a shower and get ready to go find her grandfathers wand shop. Once she was ready she headed downstairs to get something to eat and talk to Tom. When she entered the Pub she saw a man at the bar who looked exactly the way Rogkras had described him. She puts on her best smile and walks up to him.

"Good morning, my name is Kagome and I was told that I need to speak with a man named Tom," Kagome said.

"That would be me, Miss, how can I help you?"

"Well, you see, I'm from out of town and I need to get into Diagon Alley. The Goblins told me to come to the Leaky Cauldron and that you would be able to help me get in."

"Yes, Miss Kagome, I can, just follow me," Tom tells her.

Kagome follows Tom to the rear courtyard where Tom taps a brick in the wall, the tapping of five bricks around a hole in the wall opens the doorway to Diagon Alley. Kagome smiles as she looks around, she turns to Tom to thank him.

"Thank you, Tom, for all of your help, I don't suppose you could point out Ollivander's Wand Shop?"

"Why, yes, Miss. Kagome, it's just down the street there, you can't miss it." Tom said with a smile.

"Thank you again, Tom."

And with that, Kagome walked into Diagon Alley.

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