Chapter 2 Getting Kagome's Supplies

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Kiyoko looks through the rest of the box and pulls out Kagome's mother's wand it's an Alder wood with a Unicorn hair core 10" and slightly yielding flexibility. She hands the wand to Kagome, and Kagome feels a tingle up her arm. She knows instantly what kind of wood it is.

"Is this Alder wood?"

"Yes, it is, Kagome, very good."

"How did I know that?"

"It's in your blood, Grace told me that her entire family is wandmakers. So I'm not the least bit surprised that the wand responded to you and that you knew what kind of wood it is.

"Can I use my mother's wand when I start school?"

"No, dear, you need to get one that is suited to you. Even though Grace's wand responded to you, it was specifically made for her. Grace said that her family was fond of saying that the wand chooses the wizard, so we will go to Tengoku no gētou~ei (Heavenly Gateway) to purchase your supplies and your wand."

"So then I'm going to Mahoutokoro after all," Kagome asks.

"Yes, dear, but you don't have to worry, you'll be going back and forth for school until your 11 then you'll start boarding there until you're 17," Kiyoko explains

Kagome let's out a sigh of relief, she wasn't ready to leave her parents behind. Then a thought occurred to her.

"Hey Mom, if you're a witch, does that make Daddy a wizard?"

"No, Honey, your papa is a Muggle, a non-magical person, that's why you've never seen me do magic before. When I fell in love with Toshi, I decided to stop doing magic. Even though he said it didn't bother him, it bothers your Jii-chan. But he's going to have to get used to it, now that you've been accepted into Mahoutokoro, I'm sure when Souta turns seven he will too."

"So then when will we go to Tengoku no gētou~ei(Heavenly Gateway)?"

"You, your Papa, and I will go tomorrow morning, we'll leave Souta with my mother. But first, let me send a reply to the school."

With that, Kiyoko wrote a reply to the school and sent it off with the owl that had been sitting patiently in the Goshinboku tree.

The next day Kagome was up bright and early, she ran to her parents' room and knocked on the door.

"Mom, Papa are you up?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, Kagome Dear, we're awake. Are your ready to go to Tengoku no gētou~ei?" Kiyoko asks.

"Yes, Mom."

"Good, your papa and I decided that we'll have breakfast on the way after we drop off Souta with your grandmother."

Kagome cheered and ran out of their room. Toshi laughed and followed his daughter to her room to make sure she was properly dressed. Once he had her dressed, they went downstairs where Kiyoko was waiting with Souta in her arms. Kagome runs up to her mother and hugs her waist, Kiyoko hugs her back as best she could and tells the little girl that it's time to go. The little family leaves the house and Toshi picks up his daughter so that they can make their way down the steps of the shrine. Once they got to the bottom, they hailed a cab and went to Kiyoko's parent's house.

Kiyoko's family were a well know pure-blood family in Japan, that also had the power of holy priests and priestesses in their bloodline. But they were not fanatical about being purebloods, they were quite fine with Kiyoko marrying a Muggle and blood adopting Kagome. They considered the little girl their first granddaughter and loved her dearly. So when Kiyoko called saying that Kagome had received her acceptance letter, they couldn't have been more pleased. They were happy to look after Souta while Kagome and her parents to pick up her supplies and wand.

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