Chapter 4 The Years Go By

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And so it went that Kagome was taken back and forth between her home and school for four years. Since Kagome's birthday was in November, she would start boarding at the school after the term had already begun. It was a typical practice of the school, that was one of the reasons the children were sorted at the age of seven and to give them a sense of belonging. So a few days before her birthday, Kagome, her parents and a four-year-old Souta decided to go back to Tengoku no gētou~ei (Heavenly Gateway) to buy Kagome her trunk and all the supplies she would need for the whole term. As they wandered around buying her supplies, Souta noticed the pet store, Magical Menagerie.

Souta started jumping up and begging his parent if they could go in, "Please, Mama, Papa, can we go in, I want a pet."

Kiyoko and Toshi looked at each other, there was no harm in going into the store and looking around, "What do you say Kagome would you like to go in and look for a pet as well?" Toshi asked.

"Sure, why not."

They went into the store but Kagome didn't find anything that caught her eye. Instead, Souta found a beige half kneazle kitten that he fell in love with. Kiyoko and Toshi purchased the half kneazle for Souta and left the store, Souta ended up naming the kitten Buyo.

Now that Kagome had everything ready for her big move to Mahoutokoro, the next time the petrel picked her up was would be the last time she would see her parents until her holiday break. Kagome hugged and kissed her parents and a crying Souta.

"I'll call as often as I can," Kagome tells Souta and her parents.

"You better, Sis, I'm going to miss, you so much."

"I'm going to miss you too Squirt."

And with that, Kagome got on the petrel and flew away to Mahoutokoro.

In the six years that she attended Mahoutokoro, Kagome excelled at Transfigurations and Defense Against the Dark Arts, but surprisingly she also excelled at Divination. It seemed that she had a natural talent for it like her mother Grace. Kiyoko told Kagome that it was a gift that Grace had developed there at Mahoutokoro since at Hogwarts they had a fraud teaching Divination. She also informed Kagome that Grace had told her that Padfoot had excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Kagome was so happy that she was taking after her biological parents.

It was also discovered that she took after her adopted mother as well. The school offered healing magic as well and Kagome enrolled in that as her elective, that was when it was discovered that she had the healing powers of a Priestess. Kagome was shocked considering that she wasn't Japanese by birth, but the professors explained that due to Kiyoko's blood adoption, her priestess powers were passed on to her.

Headmistress Tatsugami decided that Kagome should take a class that would show her how to use her priestess powers in conjunction with her magical powers. With Kagome learning the two arts she would become a powerful priestess/witch. She learned how to use a bow and how to heal using her spiritual powers. And because of her knowledge of herbs that came along with her priestess training, Kagome began to excel at potion making as well. So by the summer going into her seventh-year kagome had a golden cord tied around her obi. Signifying the highest scholastic achievements at school.

It was at that time that Kagome had a vision that a  centipede demon was going to pull her into the old Bone Eaters Well when she went looking for Buyo. So instead she told Buyo to stay out of the Bone Eaters Well the next day. Naturally being half kneazle, Buyo completely understood. Kagome went down into the Bone Eaters Well armed with her bow and her wand and waited. Her vision wasn't clear as to whether or not the centipede demon was a danger to her family so she wasn't taking any risks.

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