Chapter 1 A Letter and Answers

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COVER DONE BY ladyarchangel74

Kagome Higurashi had always known she was adopted. She looked nothing like her parents or her brother, while they had dark brown hair and brown eyes, Kagome had raven black hair and grey eyes. She had sharp cheekbones and an aristocratic nose. True she did have some Asian features but not many, and though she had known from a young age that she was adopted, she never let on and she still loved her family dearly.

One day, when Kagome was seven years old, an owl showed up at the shrine. Kagome just happened to be playing outside when the owl swooped down at her and dropped a letter, Kagome caught the letter and read it. Kagome's eyes widen and she goes running inside. Kiyoko Higurashi was doing the dishes when she heard her daughter come running into the house.

"Mom, an owl just dropped off this letter from a place called Mahoutokoro School of Magic."

Kiyoko takes the letter from her daughter and reads it. She sighs and looks down at her daughter.

"I knew this day would come, Kagome dear, come on let's have a cup of tea and sit in the living room, I have a great many things to tell you."

Mother and daughter went into the living room where they sat down next to each other. Kiyoko looks down at her daughter and pets her hair.

"Kagome, there is something you must know first, your papa and I love you very much and we always will. You are a joy to have in our lives, but I must tell you that we are not your real parents."

Kagome stared at her mother for a moment, "Oh I know that Mama, I've known for a long time now."

Kiyoko looked at her daughter surprised, "How did you figure that out?"

"Well, Mama, I'm the only one in the family that has grey eyes and black hair, I don't look like you, Daddy, or Souta. I looked at all the family photos, no one in the family looks like me. I'm not mad or anything, Mama, but I am curious, who are my real parents?"

"Your mother and I were best friends and went to the same school together, the very school that you got that letter from, Mahoutokoro School of Magic. You see, my dear, your mother and I are witches."

Kagome's eyes widen, "Really, so does that mean I'm a witch too?"

"Yes it does, my sweet girl."

"I don't understand, why didn't my mommy want me?" Kagome asks

"Oh Kagome, of course, she did, but you see she died giving birth to you. But before she died she made me promise to adopt you and raise you as my own."

Kagome started to cry and Kiyoko hugged her child, after a few minutes Kagome calmed down.

"Can you tell me more about my mother?"

"Yes, dear, your mother's name was Grace Ollivander, she was from England. She originally attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located in Scotland. There are four houses that a young witch or wizard can belong to, your mother belonged to Ravenclaw, known for intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit."

Kagome listened with rapt attention about her mother, Kiyoko continues.

"During your mother's 7th year at Hogwarts, she began dating a boy from one of the other houses, they quickly fell in love and made plans to be together after they graduated. But, your mother got pregnant with you and was so afraid that the boy and her family would reject her that she dropped out of school and ran away. She ended up here and started going to school at Mahoutokoro. We were in the same grade and instantly became friends. She told me everything that happened, but she never told me the name of your father. She said it was too painful for her to think about him let alone say his name."

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